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  • about 3 or 4 days if you drink water and exercise a lil but im pretty sure your not going to just take one hit so if you just smoke about a week and a half
  • one hit.... no more than 72 hours.... eat a poppyseed muffin on the way in, let the tester see it, if it comes up positive you can get a retest and say you didn't know poppy seeds skewed results. They show up as a drug for about 72 hours.
  • Usually at least 30 days..
  • I am on parole and I took one hit of marijuanna on a Tuesday evening. I tested Friday evening and I was fine. It only stays in your system, if you smoke very little for up to 3 days. That little amount wont even register on a drug test. The cut off is either 50ng, 20ng, or 15ng. Any of those will not detect it. One joint tests you are 5-10ng's and is gone 13 to 34hours. Dad is a chemisty :) You will be fine.
  • First off let me just say that I have never smoked in my life... That said the first time you take a "hit" it is supposedly stronger than any other time, this is why people begin to start smoking more and more because they want to get that same feeling back as the first time. The amount of time it stays in your system differs for everyone but I believe it stays there for at least 6 months.
  • I used to smoke a lot. I dont think it will stay in your system long as far as drug testing is concerned. It might stay in your fat cells a bit longer. One joint shouldnt even show up probably. But if your just wondering how long you are gonna stay high, it depends on what kind of weed it is.
  • a week to two weeks max. drink water this will help cleanse your system.
  • you'll be high for only a couple hours but it will stay in your system for up to a month or even longer...
  • Yeah it stays in your system for a long while after. You've gotta stay clean for a while if you expect to pass any drug tests.
  • If never smoked before DO NOT smoke a whole joint by yourself, take a few small hits (inhaling) then take 2 big ones then wait about 10 min and see how you feel. First time smokers can get very odd side affects so take it easy the first time and see how it affects you
  • Let me just start by saying that I havent smoked for three months.12 days ago I smoked a joint of some good mid. Today I took a test for probation and passed.Im 6'1 220 pds and dont really exercise at all or drink alot of water.For weeks ive looked at the answers on here and other sites and Ive heard everything under the sun.Dont listen or get paranoid over these idiots that go by the 30 day rule.Its BS.If your not a cronic smoker its 5 to 10 days and your clean, period.If your worried just dont smoke because Ive been wigged out for awhile now about this and now im clean Im trying to get away with it again.Peace
  • i heard from experienced poeple about 3-4 months
  • up to 4 days max! but you can still pass with up to 50 nanograms (which is equivalent to shot guns)
  • I'm no expert but I believe a week to ten days, if you work out and drink lots of water then you could possibly shorten this length up to half, three to five days.
  • alright man im on probation and i get drug tested all the time...actually i took one hit earlier today and belive me it wont stay in your system for more than 5 days and as long as you drink a good amount of water, it will be out of your system in 1-3 days.. i do it all the time
  • mann.. i took a drug test today and i smoked yesterday... it was my first hit out of a bong in a month... and i passed the fuck out of the test from a lab. dont be fooled. your good if you just took one hit. all i did was drink a shitload of water and got drunk the night before. thats all you need to do. drink a lot and piss a lot.
  • less than 3 days man. you're fine
  • two days

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