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  • I had one every six months when I was in the Army. It was required. I had a few tests as part of donating blood. Never had a worry about it. The last test was part of giving blood, and as I recall it took about 24 hours to get a call saying I'm negative.
  • I have one every couple of years - just to make sure. I've never particularly done anything that makes me a major risk, but if it did happen, I'd want to know. It usually takes a few days to get the results, although some places are quicker than others - the first time around I was really nervous waiting, now I just see it as a routine thing, at least if by some chance I had contracted something I'd be able to take steps to do something about it. They have treatment now that can considerably prolong life if you have HIV, but the earlier you catch it, the better your prospects. I would recommend anyone who is sexually active has one done every now and then, just for peace of mind.
  • When I found out my ex-husband had been sleeping around I went to the doctors and had HIV and other sexually transmitted disease tests. They took a few days and then the HIV one was repeated three months later. The worst bit for me was having to ask to have them.
  • In Norway they demand that you have an HIV test when pregnant, so I had 3 there, and I asked to have one done when I was in the UK and pregnant with my 4th. Not because I'd been promiscuous, but because I'd had it done with the other 3. And let's face it, ALL unprotected sex is a potential risk unless you know 100% that the other person doesn't have anything.
  • I've had a few done. The first time waiting was hell, it took about four days for them to come back. I was with a guy and he wanted both of us to get tested, so we did. I mean, how can you say "No, I don't want to get tested" when your having sex, unless you disclose that you laredy know you have something? Anywho, I thought it was a good idea and have been tested with every guy I've dated since, which - thus far - is only my husband, when we got together.
  • Yes, many years ago. AIDS was fairly new to England back then and know one really knew what it was, only that it was a killer disease. So, as a few of my friends decided to go get tested, I thought it was best to just make sure.
  • Yes, because I had had a blood transfusion. I wasn't particularly worried, maybe just a little because HIV was relatively "new" and, as far as I know, blood was not checked for it at the time of my transfusion. I don't remember how long it took but it was longer than it takes these days..I tried not to think about it too much.
  • with my 4th baby the doc would not see me untill i took one i was so scared because i was raped and i remember i almost passed out when i went for my results because they said "the doc wants to see you have a seat"o my god i was in tears!! end of story i was fine !!but damn it scared me!!.
  • once a year for the past 8 years. its a requirement. you only get the results if they are bad news, and its never happened to me...(knocking on wood)
  • Yes. It was done as part of a series of tests that were required for surgery (I was also looking at a possible blood transfusion). A couple of days. No, I wasn't worried because I am not "at risk" as my OBGYN says. I still opt to have one done with my yearly physical just for peace of minds sake.
  • Yes. I didn't know it was done. I was very ill at the time...So I wasn't even conscious while I was 'waiting' for the results:)--but they were what I expected (-ve)
  • yes i have a hiv test every year or so. I always get regular sexual health check ups as i'm sngle at the moment, lotsof fun to be had.
  • My ex-boyfriend cheated on me many times. I was completely oblivious to all of this until the day we broke up. I didn't sleep many nights because I was so worried he picked something up and passed it to me. I took one as soon as we broke up and have now taken one every time I get a pap done. I have been with the same guy for over 2 years now since then who I love and trust but if I could be cheated on by my ex and have no idea at all I figure it is better to get one once a year so that if he does bring something home I can at least be aware not find out 10 years from now when treatment would be useless. Lets face it, s*it happens! Might as well be smart and safe about it! My insurance covers 1 a year so I just add it on to my pap while I'm there might as well just for a piece of mind! Especially since HIV can take up a to a year to show up on a test I was scared for over a year I would still show up positive after leaving my ex. My last test was in April of this year and I am negative, they told me it would take up to 2 weeks to get the results but I took the test Friday afternoon and my doctor called me Tuesday morning so it wasn't that long of a wait at all. I signed papers so she could give me the results over the phone as soon as they came in instead of having to wait to go back later.
  • No I never have.
  • Ive actually had 3 done..It took a week for results. My reason, or my Drs. was because I had too many red blood cells and hardly any white ones....It wasn't hard to wait because I have been with one person my whole adult life and so has he...Besides, I knew it was something else, the Dr. just had to make sure. 3 times sure. i don't like DRs. at all. I had 3 holes in my lung, it must have screwed my blood up too.
  • I did, when I was younger. Ha ha the tension really sucked for a few weeks before getting the results, and the doctor even got pissed off at me for being so worried. Well what the hell do you expect? O_o
  • Yes. It was standard to test pregnant mothers when I had my children.
  • I did after I was raped.
  • 3x or more Why? It is standard procedure to test all pregnant women (as a precaution for the medical staff that will possibly come into contact with blood and body fluids during delivery) and I have been a frequent blood donor
  • While in the Marine Corps, it was required but I was never worried that I might have contracted it. Five years after getting out of the Marine Corps, I got tested again because an ex girlfriend revealed that she had been cheating on me while we were together. That was very scary.
  • Yes. Once in February, 1994 because I wanted to ensure that I was HIV-free before I became intimate with my GF.
  • Lots of times. I did it periodically for myself (everytime I came out of a relationship), regardless of precautions taken, just to be on the safe side. I thought it was a smart thing to do! Also, everytime I give blood. they check it as well.
  • Once a year for roughly 8 years in a row. When I was first born, I needed a blood transfusion and that was about the time that HIV & AIDS started to be discovered. So at the time, they virus was around, but they didn't test for it for blood transfusions. So there was a fear that I may have gotten an STD from the blood transfusion I had to get when I was first born. So from the ages of 10 to 18, I got tested, just to be safe. I consider myself lucky that I didn't have anything.
  • Yes, every time I have given blood. Why? Because it was offered, and I figured I'd be stupid not to take advantage of the opportunity to be completely sure I was healthy.
  • Yes...It's a decent,loving thing to do for the person you plan to be with whether you are sexually active or not. They don't know your history.....for sure. If you really care about them you can at least give them that assurance and they you. It took a week and a half.....and no it wasn't difficult waiting.....I already knew the results.....I didn't do it for me.
  • Yes, because the military does annual health assessments
  • I'm going to get one tomorrow and I'm so scared. I'm shaking and so scared. I hope it's negative...
  • yea..i did...for no reason....
  • Yes I have just because I wanted to be safe. And yes it scared the heck out of me waiting for the results.

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