Oh yes, I'm one sexy bitch, baby!!! :D :)
unfortunately i dont. i do however now how to make my partner feel very sexy.
To some people yes and to others, not.
You'd be amazed how many women like guys with big hair.
No, but others have told me that I am.
"I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way." - Jessica Rabbit
yeah ! all the time ! i've made it my prerogative to think good about myself all the time !
This is one topic where my opinion doesn't count... :-)
Someone has to!
I have my moments
Hahahaha not at all.
No i know I am
Not even on a good day. ha
Sometimes I feel like it, but Buddy tells me I am all the time, but I disagree alot, but as long as he thinks I am thats all that matters. ☺
well, I look better since I lost a bunch of weight, but I've never considered myself "sexy." but as long as my sweetpea thinks I am, that's all that matters!
Yes. Too sexy.
Listen, if Rod Stewart has the balls to say that He is...! Then why shouldn't I say I am! Well, do you think I am? LOL!
hell yeah !!.....wait a sec ..its time for my what was the question?
I'm too sexy for my shirt.
i think that everybody is sexy to someone else. I say this not as my own means of "coping", but because it's truly what I see. Physically, I am pretty good looking, but I think the thing that makes me sexy is my wisdom, and my courage to look at myself and the world around me for what it really is. After all, that's why we're here.
Maybe by Sasquatch standards . That's about it !
not really but there are a whole lot of ab'rs that I think are...want names?? names..LOL
I'm sexy if your Helen Keller
Sexy is as sexy does -Forrest Gimp
Yes, if I was dating interracially.
Somedays I think maybe I am, but there are others, where I know that I'm not. I try really hard, and sometimes it works out, but mainly I just look silly,LOL.
Sometimes... Often when I think I look like crap, I am apparently looking sexy!
Damm yes
I KNOW I am!
ive always thought so, even if i'm the only one, haha.
welll my boyfriend says I am, and tells me I am all the time, so yess... i would have to consider myself sexy :)
Well yes actually i would, ive been told often enough lol! I truly believe you either got it or you dont *_*
To pump up my sex esteem I put on a little Right Said Fred.......I'm too sexy for my shirt..........
To some, maybe.
I wear a uniform...YES.
Does it matter if I do? I'll let you be the judge. ;)
Yes I do. Thanks for reminding me! :) I think you are as well.
Yes I take my assets and work them to their fullest potential...all with a wicked grin on my face :)
sexy is like beauty, in the "eyes of the beholder!" A relative term that could apply to anyone! +5
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