• Interesting. So, if I understand what you've written correctly: if you can't prove that something (or someone) exists, then that something or someone doesn't exist. Is that correct? ("Why do such people believe in things that they can not prove is real"...)
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      It’s not exactly what I meant. Some people believe in imaginary characters that is based on the imagination. For instance the Easter bunny or the tooth fairy for children because it’s all a lie from the parents. Some people believe in a made up character based on fiction and sometimes they want that particular delusion to be real but they are unable to provide physical evidence in their claims of whatever imaginary character is floating around in their imagination.
  • Who is this imaginary friend or character?
  • What is and is not too abrupt is based on the person. For example, if I believed in something crazy, I'd much rather you just tell me "Hey, d%#&head, you are talking nonsense!" because I don't have time and don't have to cushion my feelings. Many other people these days are just the opposite. So, there is no universal answer.
  • You don't! You Live And Let Die:

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