Thanks for your caring, Jenny. Howl Howl Howl !!! I made back here :)
Jenny The Great ⭐
Yep, I sure do care. It's always nice to see you around. I knew you couldn't pass up on dinner. lol -
Shadow Of The Mind
Good to hear from you danceswithwolves.
Danceswithwolves has responded with a howl. I wonder if it was a full moon when he answered.
Jenny The Great ⭐
He's a friendly, funny and unique wolf. He howls on a full moon, when he hears sirens, when the dinner bell is rung and when he sees an attractive lady walking by. ;) -
Shadow Of The Mind
Lol. Does he wolf whistle at her? What happens to the lady though when he turns into a wolf? Will she be his meal? All the jokes are coming out about wolves. I wonder does he like Wolverine. Danceswithwolves seems like a cool guy who is much respected. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Yep, here you go: -
Shadow Of The Mind
He has an eye out for you. Funny video. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
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