• The religious responses you have provoked from me are because you bashed Christians. You could start there. Its not exactly difficult to make the mental leap that if you provoke someone you will get a defensive response. Even you are smart enough to know this. You started it all. If you don't want it thrown back at you don't throw shit to begin with. That's what monkeys do! You're the one with the mental disorder. You are the one who doesn't understand. And you don't have to put up with anything it is your choice to come here or not. OOPS your stupidity is showing! Evidently you've been taught by well intentioned adults who coddle you because of your mental condition that you can say whatever you want and piss people off and they are supposed to tippy toe around your oh so sensitive feelings and just take it!!! Well the real world don't work that way. I'm telling you the truth maybe for the first time you've ever heard it in your life and it offends you! Well I don't care! Its time you learned the truth and stop doing the very things that are causing your pain and irritation. Stop bashing Christians and stop starting shit like this with questions like this if you don't want anyone to answer you honestly. YOU ARE THE REASON FOR YOUR PAIN. STOP BLAMING EVERYONE ELSE FOR WHAT YOU CAUSED!!
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      I did not start it all. Just because I create questions in which I’m not sure what the answers will be like does not make it my fault. Your answer is your own words and nobody else’s. How did you come to the conclusion I have a mental disorder? Is it because I’m an atheist and you think atheists have a mental disorder? You’re wrong because you classify anyone who has a different mindset as having something wrong with them. That’s not how it is in the real world. You don’t know much about the real world because you’re a religious weirdo talking full of bull$hit. Your stupidity shows because you’re religious and you are unable to prove your point in the existence of your imaginary “god”. You are not a qualified psychiatrist who can classify me as having a mental condition. You are not in a position to tell me that. I’m not scared of mental health professionals. What makes you think I am? I’m not obsessed with religious delusions that people create in their subconscious minds. You don’t make sense. You may think you are making sense but you’re not since you are involved with religious delusions. It doesn’t make a difference to me what religious weirdos believe. All I need to know is that they either resort to violence or go against anyone who doesn’t conform with their way of thinking. I’m very aware of people being different. I’ve always known that which I respect. I just dismiss religious delusions which is a different matter altogether. There is a difference between what goes on in someone’s religious imagination and being their own person. Religious people can believe what they want but I don’t care about that because it doesn’t make a difference to me.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
    • Linda Joy
      I don't even know where to start! Do you even know what SUBCONSCIOUS MEANS? This is not where religion lives. Unless you are a liar you have Autism, which is a mental disorder. "The DSM-5, updated in 2013, uses two key categories of symptoms for diagnosing autism: persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts, and restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviors, interest, or activities, manifested by at least two of the following: stereotyped or repetitive movements, use of objects, or speech; insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, or ritualized patterns of behavior; highly restricted, fixated interests of abnormal intensity or focus; hyper- or hypo-reactivity to sensory input or unusual interests in sensory aspects of the environment." You don't know if I have a degree or not. But it doesn't take a degree to believe what you say publicly online!! Its no use. You have a mental block where this is concerned. My advice is now, hey man just hurt yourself as much as you want, why should I care anyway? And if you continue to ask assinine questions I'll continue to be honest whether you like it or not. I have just given up on YOU being able to comprehend the answer and make adjustments in your life. So I'll leave the answers for those who are willing to open their minds and help themselves. You should also self-assess why you don't want to make adjustments and help yourself feel better. Then again maybe that capability is beyond your abilities. I don't blame you. Its not your fault.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      The subconscious mind is where the imagination comes from and that is where religion lives caused by stress through peer pressure. I don’t have a mental block. I am open minded with things and differentiating reality and fantasy. I know very well religion is an imagination because religious people make claims of “gods” and stuff like that and unable to prove their point. They never provide physical evidence in their religious claims since it’s all in their head.
  • There are 2400 questions in a trivial pursuit game and very few provoke a religious response. You should do a self analysis (since you are scared of mental health professionals) to find out why you are obsessed with religion when you don't even believe! What difference does it make to you what other people believe? Why do you feel a need to bash them? Why can't you take your own advice and be accepting that people are different and have different beliefs and you should respect that. That's extremely hypocritical to preach acceptance and tolerance when you don't tolerate the fact that Christians have a right to believe whatever they want!
  • whats your favorite color.
    • Creamcrackered
      Gold..I mean myrrh.. D'or!
  • 8/12/2023, take Nunya's questions as a huge example. Her questions are popular and free from religious controversy. She asks questions about Life and Society, Favorite Things, Food, Music, Movies, Trivia and other questions the general public can relate to. You are right, you don't have to put up with BS. The decision is yours to either... don't ask religious questions, ignore religious people, argue with them, tell them not to bother you as you once told me in a Santa Claus subject in which I just wanted to argue for the heck of it or leave Answerbag if this site doesn't meet your expectations.
    • Linda Joy Do you want me to look for more to prove how many times you can be wrong on this one?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      The link is not under Religion. Again and again and I'll keep saying again, learn to read. I said in my answer: "and other questions the general public can relate to." Marriage is another subject the general public relates to. You know what's coming... *Facepalm* You just keep embarrassing yourself.
  • Questions that are (generally) completely unrelated in any way to religion. Note that a question that in one culture is unrelated to religion might be very relevant to religion in another culture! *** For example: "What is your favorite color?" is pretty much completely unrelated to religion in most Western cultures...but in some cultures that is not so, and "favorite color" can be **extremely** relevant to political, religious and/or other cultural institutions.

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