• It will hurt him but his followers don't care about any thing he did. They still love him.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks, for your comment :)
  • Yes. IF we imagine that he is convicted of at least a few of them and he runs for President anyway - and wins - then Congress has a ready cause for impeachment.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for your comment :)
    • Linda Joy
      Impeachment meant something back in Nixon's day. After Bill Clinton it doesn't mean a thing.
      It can still remove someone from office.* And President Billy J. should have been impeached, even though his crime was not as outrageous as Nixon's. If you or I had done what he did, we would have done jail time.
  • Unfortunately there is nothing in the US Constitution that being found guilty and sent to prison doesn't prevent someone from running for president. Source "Center for Constitutional Rights" My cousin Marnie's husband is a lawyer member of this organization.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for your comment :)
  • I agree with Mr. C that Trump lovers don't care. We've (citizens, not Trump lovers) been conditioned since Bill Clinton not to care about such things because by now everyone knows that all politicians are criminals and we have to settle for the least bad instead of having good choices for a President. Biden is an embarrassment. So was Trump. But I believe Trump did more good for America than any President in a long time. Liberals have attacked him publicly worse than any former President that I know of in all the world at any time. This has caused worldwide disgrace, and they don't even care, just as long as they can attack each other. And it has caused Americans to do the same. We are the strongest country in the world and instead of being an example of good and decent people we act like animals on public forums to be broadcast all over the world! How much good do you think could be done if Americans cared as much about the suffering in the world as they do about tearing each other down? Well, like Michael Jackson used to sing: "I'm starting with the (wo)man in the mirror" Wish me luck, its not easy for me.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for your comment :)
  • Meh, probably not. Nov 2024 is a long time from now, in terms of news cycles. One major mistake from Biden and all Trump drama will be erased in the media. But, looking at the pattern thus far, it appears way more likely that Trump will be the more likely one to cause a bigger scandal than this. All of this whilst the American people ignore the fact that there is no written rule anywhere that we have to elect one of these two bozos.
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thanks for your comment :)

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