• No one here can give you a definite answer to this question. Everyone who worhips does so in a different way, and so you may even get some different answers here. Some people may think that it may be selfish in your reasoning not to go to church. Others may think that your acceptance and relationship is enough. With that being said, I do not think that that is something one would go to Hell for. Granted, I am probably not the best one to take this advice from, as I am not highly involved with religion but: I feel the same way, and this is why I do not go to church. I think a lot of the people I have met in some of the many churches I have been to are bigots or hypocrites that try and use the Bible to their advantage. I, for one, can not see Jesus or God as one who would agree with that kind of behavior or the idealology that goes with much of it. I say, believe in what you think is right, and you'll be fine. If it wasn't right, you would know.
  • Hell is a belief, each individual Christian denomination has their own criteria on who goes to hell for what reasons- and some don't believe in hell at all. Since you have your own beliefs, then you decide if you believe you are going to hell. Personally, I don't believe in heaven or hell, so if you want external validation, don't worry about it.
  • No, you are just waiting for the right religion for you to come along, be patient, it will find you.
  • If you have a personal relationship with God, and have accepted Jesus Christ as your saviour, you would have an answer...
  • Not if you have truly accepted Christ as your personal Savior. If you are saved by the grace of God through faith in the blood of Jesus then you are saved from hell. The risen Christ lives in your heart through the Person of the Holy Ghost. You are passed from death unto life. -In the Master's service. Thank you and God bless you!
  • Moses and many other people didn't go to church but were accepted into heaven. Yet some church goers weren't accepted, its whats in the heart. But i think if somebody had a tight relationship with God they wouldnt be doubtful of there salvation. Church is a place to get spiritual "food." A christian should be yearning for it.
  • just to add. the book :stop dating the church" is really good, i highly recommend reading it
  • Only if your soul weights more than my feathers...
  • Not a choice any of us here would have to make. Good luck, hope it all works out well for you and yours.
  • I would say, yes you are going to HELL! For miss representing the truth, for one good reason.
  • What does your Bible say? Ask God for discernment he will personally tell you what you should and shouldn't do. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your person Lord and Savior you should then know that just because you don't attend a church service isn't grounds for a ticket to Hell. I don't mean to sound harsh here but come on - God isn't THAT simple. 'Religion' is what people came up with because they didn't want to follow ALL of Gods rules.
  • I have had several pastors point out to me that the Bible includes some wording that we need to belong to 'his church' to be saved. I don't know exactly where but a Presbyerian took me to task about it when I was 23. I have belonged to a church ever since. If you really have a personal relationship with God and have accepted Jesus Christ, you will be involved with and belong to a church (His Church). It can't be any other way.
  • You are going to hell anyway for misrepresenting yourself in this question. And causing people to think in a manner that is false. Its wrong to mess with the Almighty. Consider yourself doomed.
  • No. In fact, you are the very epitome of what I would call a TRUE Christian.
  • Sure. Why not.
  • No. Check out this article. It quite honestly changed my life:
  • Going to church is not a requirement for Salvation. Acts 16:31 "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house."
  • I respect you greatly
  • No not going to church isn't going to send you to hell. As long as you have a relationship with God and have asked him into your heart. Let me put a question out to you: If you don't like Religion how can you bielive in God??????? Because isn't bieliving in God a religion called christianity????? ;)
  • Spirituality is a personal thing and has nothing to do with membership of social clubs.
  • Well, I divided my answer to you into two sections. I hope this is a help to you. I apologize for the length. "RELIGION", BIBLICAL LAW/RULES AND HEAVEN Any church that substitutes a *relationship* with Jesus and a life led by the Holy Spirit for a "religion" of rules, regulations, laws, do's and dont's, "strenuous moral striving" (Ga. 3:5), working your head off to please God (Gal. 2:18-19), trying to live by your own effort (Ga. 3:3,10), using the law to live right before God (Ro. 10:5, Ga. 2:16), improving yourself, redoubling your own efforts (Ro. 8:4) and "trying to be good" (Ga.2:18), is a church not based on the truths of Jesus or aligned with God's heart on the matter. We want a relationship not a "religion" as you call it, and that is what we were made for. Will you go to hell if don't go to church? Certainly not! If you have entered into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ (which is what you were created for, I'm so glad you have!!!! "God created people to have a relationship with Him so they could enjoy His love"~David Gregory), then you are going to Heaven to be with God forever, not because of what you do or don't do, but because of what Jesus did for you. It's his work on the Cross, not your efforts, that saves. The Bible makes that very clear. Just as you did not enter into a relationship with God by rule-keeping ("If a living relationship with God could come by rule-keeping, then Christ died unnecessarily" ~Galatians 2:21; "By faith in Christ [we] are in a direct relationship with God"~Galatians 3:26) you cannot get to Heaven--or go to Hell--by your own work either. "Salvation arrives as a free gift." (Eph. 2:10, Ro. 10:9, Ro. 4:16, Gal.2:16, 2:21, 3:26, 5:6, Ro. 4:5, 25, Co. 2: 11, 13-14--and many other verses). "Saving is his work, all you do is trust him enough to let Him do it. You neither make nor save yourself. God does both the making and the saving." (Ephesians 2:10) "You're not 'doing' anything; you're simply calling out to God, trusting him to do it for you. That's salvation." (Romans 10:9) Nor can you make yourself righteous by observing rules (Romans 3:20-14, Galatians 2:16, Galatians 5:6, Romans 3:27-31, Romans 3:27,Hebrews 10:10, Colossians 1:22...), gain acceptance by God (Romans 3:19-31), please God ("No human being can please God by self-improvement" (Galatians 2:16) or by "working your head off"~Galatians 2:16; 3:3) or be set right before God by "rule-keeping", or by "trying to be good" (only through "the sacrificed Jesus [who] made you fit for God, set you right with God"~Galatians 2:16, Romans 4:25). Billy Graham explains it well: "...No matter how hard we try, we will always fall short of God's standard—and the reason is because God's standard is nothing less than perfection. The Bible puts our problem plainly: 'There is no one righteous, not even one' (Romans 3:10). This is why God sent His Son into the world. God loves us; He loves us so much that He wants us to spend eternity with Him in heaven. But how was this possible, since we are all sinners? There was only one way for us to be saved: Jesus Christ—who was perfect and sinless—took our sins upon Himself, and He died in our place. We deserve to die for our sins, but He took upon Himself our death and our Hell. He did it out of love." This is what the Bible says about biblical law: It "was against us and stood opposed to us." It "hindered more than it helped." It was "old, bankrupt", "cursed", "constricting." It "crushed" the people. It was a "government of death" and "condemnation." A "constricting legalism." A "curse", a "self-defeating cursed life." (Col. 2:14, Eph. 2:15, 2 Co. 3:15, Ga. 3:13, 2 Co. 3:17, Ac. 15:20, 2 Co. 3:7, 3:9). When Jesus paid the penalty for our sins, "the Law", the "system of commandments", the "rule dominated way of living", the "rule-keeping system" was "cancelled", "thrown out", and "nailed to the cross." The law was "makeshift" and "temporary." (Ro. 6:6, 7:4, Heb. 7:18, Ga. 2:16, 5:2, 2 Co. 3:11, Co. 2:17, etc...) As Galatians 3:21 says, the the purpose of the law was to make it obvious that we are out of right relationship with God. And to show the uselessness of making some religious system for getting a relationship with God by our own efforts. Not by "rule-keeping" but "by faith in Christ [we] are in a direct relationship with God." (Galatians 3:26) As Galatians 3:2-5 says, our new life did not begin by working our heads off to please God. It began by responding to God's message to us. So then, to quote Galatians, can we complete by our own efforts what was begun by God? If we weren't smart enough or strong enough to begin it, how could we perfect it? The Holy Spirit works things in our lives that we could never do for ourselves because we trust him to do them in us, not because of our strenuous moral striving. Now God has given us a new plan (Heb. 8:13). It "isn't...chiseled on stone" (the Ten Commandments)(Hebrews 8:10), it's not a list of do's and don'ts. The new way of living is not a "law-dominated existence" (Ga. 5:18). Contrary to popular belief, life in Christ is not a bunch of rules or "religion", as you called it. It is a new, "free life", Galatians 5:1-6: "Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you. I am emphatic about this. The moment any one of you submits to circumcision or any other rule-keeping system, at that same moment Christ's hard-won gift of freedom is squandered. I repeat my warning: The person who accepts the ways of circumcision trades all the advantages of the free life in Christ for the obligations of the slave life of the law. I suspect you would never intend this, but this is what happens. When you attempt to live by your own religious plans and projects, you are cut off from Christ, you fall out of grace. Meanwhile we expectantly wait for a satisfying relationship with the Spirit. For in Christ, neither our most conscientious religion nor disregard of religion amounts to anything. What matters is something far more interior: faith expressed in love." The new way of living is not trying to keep rules. A list of do's and dont's. It's not "strenuous moral striving" (Ga. 3:5). It's not "trying to be good" (Ga.2:18). It's not working your head off to please God (it won't work)(Gal. 2:18-19). It's not redoubling your own efforts (Ro. 8:4). It's not trying to live by your own effort (we are "doomed to failure")(Ga. 3:3,10). It's not trying to use the law to live right before God ("it's not so easy")(Ro. 10:5, Ga. 2:16). It's not trying to improve yourself and work your head off to please God (we can't please God that way: Galatians 2:16; 3:3). It's not obsessing with yourself in these matters (Ro. 8:6). The new way of living is focusing on God (Romans 8:6,7 9:32). It's being led by the Spirit. And by that something deep with you that echoes God's yes and no, right and wrong. It's embracing what the Spirit is doing in you (Romans 8:4). It's trusting God to "shape the right living in you", making you like His son (Ro. 10:6) That's your new, "free" life in Christ! THE IMPORTANCE OF GOING TO CHURCH God wants you to go to church for your sake. He urges us not to forsake it (Hebrews 10:25). God--who knows you better than you know yourself, who knows you inside and out, every bone in your body (Psalm 139:13); in fact the very hairs of your head are numbered! (Luke 12:7)--knows how very good it is for you to go to church and how much you need it to be strengthened spiritually, grow closer to Him, fellowship with Christ, find spiritual encouragement and help, be built up, comforted, and prayed for by others, and strengthened by their spiritual gifts, listen to God's word preached (which causes you to grow as a Christian and nourishes and strengthens your faith) and then apply and practice that truth in your daily life., engage in public worship (which brings pleasure to God, revives your spirit and encourages your heart), grow and become strong in your faith, so you can resist temptation and become more like Jesus. In doing so you are following the example of Christ. Here is a further look at those 12 great reasons to go to church (see below). I suggest looking around and finding one that you like (and one that is aligned with the Bible and the message of Jesus). I visited several before deciding on the church I'm at. To quote Billy Graham on the matter: "Ask God to lead you to a church in your new town—a fellowship of believers with whom you won't just feel comfortable, but where you can grow in your relationship to Christ. Seek a church where the Bible is preached and taught, and where you also will have other opportunities to grow spiritually (such as small group Bible studies). Look also for a church where you can serve Christ in some way—the choir, community outreach, etc. Remember: God's goal for you isn't just that you will 'enjoy' church, but that you will be challenged to grow in your faith and become more like Christ. Let the Bible's command become your goal as you seek a new church: 'But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ' (2 Peter 3:18)." I hope this helps, God's love, peace and joy at this holiday season, Amy 12 Reasons To Go To Church 1) "God wants you to have fellowship with other believers, and you will be weakened spiritually if you don't have active contact with His people." ~Billy Graham 2) You will grow closer to Christ. "Go because you know you need to grow closer to Christ, and one way this happens is through our fellowship with other believers. The Bible says, 'Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation' (1 Peter 2:2)." ~Billy Graham 3) "You need spiritual encouragement and help, and one of the most important ways you can receive these is through fellowship with God's people in a church where Christ is taught and lived." ~Billy Graham 4) In a gathering of believers, you can obey the New Testament's "one another" commands: We are to comfort one another (1 Thessalonians 4:18), build up one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11), confess our sins ot one another (James 5:16), pray for one another (James 5:16), and many more. 5) You meet with other Christians so that they can use their spiritual gifts to strengthen you. (We were all given spiritual gifts to minister to and help other people). "Paul explains that each part of the body exists to meet the needs of the other body parts. In the same way, God intends each of us to meet the needs of other believers, using our strengths to help in their areas of weakness. 1 Corinthians 12:21 expresses it this way: 'The eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need of you.' Neither can a Christian claim to be self-sufficient today." ~Dr. John Bechtle 6) As Billy Graham says, God wants you to grow and become strong in your faith, so you can resist temptation and become more like Jesus. In church, you learn from the Bible as it is taught. And you also learn from other believers who can help and encourage you.: "...once we come to Christ, we become part of a family—the family of God. Think of it: You are no longer just an individual, but you are now part of a group—a spiritual 'family' that includes every person on earth who truly believes in Jesus Christ. Everyone who believes in Christ is now your spiritual brother or sister! This family of believers is what the Bible calls the Church, the body of Christ: 'Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it' (1 Corinthians 12:27). "Why is it important to be part of a local fellowship of believers? Let me ask you a question: What does God want to do in your life? The answer is this: He wants to make you more like Jesus. But this won't happen if you are isolated from other Christians. You need them—and they need you. The Bible says, 'Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds' (Hebrews 10:24). "It's possible to be a Christian without going to church—but you will be missing out on an important part of what God wants to do in your life. Just as we need a balanced diet to be strong physically, so we need a balanced 'diet' to be strong spiritually—and part of that 'diet' is the Church. "Let me explain. What you have done by accepting Christ into your life is very important—in fact, it's the most important decision you will ever make. But becoming a Christian is only the beginning—the beginning of a whole new life with Christ. Now God wants you to grow and become strong in your faith, so you can resist temptation and become more like Jesus. "One of the ways we grow spiritually is through our fellowship and worship with other believers—in other words, through a church where Christ is honored. Not only do we learn from the Bible as it is taught, but we also learn from other believers who can help and encourage us. The Bible says, 'Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another' (Hebrews 10:25).... 7) It is an act of obedience. Hebrews 10:25 declares: "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is" or in the Message version "not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching." 8) You are engaging in public worship. Worship brings pleasure to God. And public worship revives your spirit and encourages your heart. "In worship, we are expressing our love and gratitude to God for who he is and what He has done in our lives. When we engage in public worship we are manifesting to other believers as well as the lost world at large that our Lord is worthy of our highest praise and dedication." ~Tim Ross of Landmark Independent Baptist Church 9) You are following the example of Christ. "During the earthly life of Jesus Christ, He faithfully attended the synagogue, which was the place of public worship for the Jews. They would gather to read the law, and have one of the teachers expound the truths of the Old Testament. Luke 4:16 states: 'And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as His custom was, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up for to read.'" ~Tim Ross "1 John 2:6 declares: "He that saith he abideth in him ought to himself also so to walk, even as he walked." ~Tim Ross 10) You are hearing God's word preached which causes you to grow as a Christian as well as nourishes and strengthens your faith. "There will be little or no growth in the Christian life if a person fails to recieve a steady diet of Scriptural preaching. 1 Peter 2:2-3 declares: 'As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.'" ~Tim Ross "Not only is Christian growth a result of hearing the Word, your faith will also be nourished and strengthened through hearing God's Word. Romans 10:17 states: 'So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.' The best place for any person, whether lost or saved, is to be consistently in attendance upon the preaching of God's Word." ~Tim Ross 11) You then apply and practice God's truth in your daily life. "As God's people come to hear the Word of the Lord, and be fed and nourished by it, they are to go forth applying and practicing the truth in their daily lives. If you do not faithfully attend church to hear God's message on a consistent basis it is highly unlikely that you will practice the principles of Christianity in your daily life. Hearing and doing God's Word are intricately linked together." ~Tim Ross 12) You fellowship with Christ: "Jesus Christ is the Head and Lawgiver of His churches, and as such He is in attendance every time the church assembles. He walks in the midst of His churches. He has deposited His glory in His church according to Ephesians 3:21 which states: 'Unto him be the glory in the church by Christ Jesus through all ages, world without end. Amen.' If Christ's glory and presence is found in His churches then should we not make every effort to be faithful to assemble in His name and enjoy His blessed fellowship? Matthew 18:20 declares: 'For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them." ~Tim Ross
  • Why can't more religious people be like you? This is all we non believers ask of other religious nuts. You keep your beliefs to yourself and don't rely on ancient scripture to run your life. I guess people can be intelligent and religious at the same time ^^b.
  • Nobody can say whether you are or not
  • I would assume that since it seems to be God's command to go to church and all, then yes...but on the other hand, more than half the people who claim to be genuine Christians are probably going to Hell anyways, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe many figures in The Bible were secluded hermits, and that their lives were approved by God. If you feel that you're on the right path and that your relationship with God is fine, then all is good, I would believe. Whatever it was that organized religion was supposed to mean, it sure doesn't reflect that anymore, if it ever did, so I think you're fine.
  • I can give you a definite answer to this question. If you are saved and believe God sent his son Jesus to die for us and save us then you are going to heaven. Remember, God DID NOT create religion. Man did. So, it doesn't matter what religion you are, as long as your belief is Christian you believe in Jesus and that he is the son of God then you are saved and will enter the kingdom. Also, be baptised in Jesus name!
  • Probably not. But here are a couple of points to consider: We should not absent ourselves from the assembly, as some do, but encourage one another; and this all the more because you see that the Day draws near (Hebrews 10:25). Christianity is not a spectator sport. Christianity (among other things) requires that you: • Worship your creator • Develop your relationship with God • Help build up the Church, the Body of Christ, the Communion of Saints, the family of believers Regular attendance and participation in your Church's services can help you reach these goals. You also obey the Commandment to "keep holy the Lord's day" by going to church on Sundays. With love in Christ.
  • You aren't going to hell. I haven't been to church in about 7 years now. I just stopped going and felt if I believed in Jesus and God that I am going to be fine. i'm saying I'll never go back to church, but I don't think not going is making me less worthy.
  • 8-16-2017 It is not reliable to let people tell you what the bible says. Many people will make up stuff because they don't know what it says, and many will make up stuff because they wish it would not say what it says. You just have to read it for yourself. Read a chapter of Proverbs every day. Proverbs has 31 chapters so you can keep your place by just looking at a calendar. There is no religion or nothing in Proverbs and you don't have to believe anything. Just read to find wisdom. When you are comfortable with that, then read the bible from Romans to 2 Thessalonians over and over until you start to remember what it says. That is the part that applies to Christians. Here is a book to help you to understand the bible. It's a free download and you can get a hard copy at any bible book store. "How To Enjoy The Bible"
  • thats up to you if you want to go to church or not and only god knows where anyone is going so take it up with him
  • only god knows where youre going, take that up with him
  • A genuine relationship would have you be obedient to what Jehovah God wants...1. Listen to Jesus ..Mark 9:7 2. Be involved in preaching the Kingdom...Matthew 28: 19,20 Fulfilling Matthew 24:14 And using God's name...Jehovah...Nowhere does the Bible say it is TOO holy to use. Jesus himself promoted his father's name/// Exodus 6:3 (John 17:6)

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