Nah, I stay away from it.
I hate gossip because it is usually hurtful and I make every effort to avoid it. We have a gossipy crew where I work and when I see them gather, I find something else that needs to be done elsewhere. Rarely do you ever hear people saying good things behind someone's back.
gossip can't be constructive or make one a better person! I havent found the gossip category here on answerbag, and thats fine. I bet that if your friends gossip, but you don't they will become uncomfertable around you and u will be thier next. That is a cancer around the work place. I like the question.
No, gossip is a waste of time.
I have unfortunately known myself to enjoy it. It is a disgusting practice and I'm not proud of it.
No. I hate to hear it and if someone tells me it I know they will start it and am not close to them at all.
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