Only as an adult and only behind my back.
Linda Joy
Why? What was that about? -
Her constant need for attention, any way she can get it.
Only when little my older sisters didn't want to give me a bath. One would air dry me with the towel. another was so thorough digging her pinky into my ear with a washrag (not really torment but very irritating) I would always ask for a different sister no matter who's chore it was to bathe their little bro.
Linda Joy
Did you tell her it hurt? My sisters also helped raise me. How many sibs in your family? Do you have brothers as well? I haven't seen your mention any. I have 6 older sisters and one much younger brother. -
Yes, she said it was necessary to be thorough. I have 5 sisters(one younger) and had 2 brothers, one died at 4 before I was born, and older brother by 9 years, who died of cancer(or from its treatment). Wow 6 sisters! How did they treat their baby sister?
No, I'm an only child, but generally speaking siblings round here do not torment each other.
No, my brothers are my best friends. Aside from a few early childhood fights we have always gotten along.
no but most of my siblings ignore me as an adult, not sure why
Linda Joy
I think it's natural to grow apart somewhat as you get your own families and professions. I'm not very close with my siblings either.
no, i got lucky that way but now as an adult they just ignore me
Yes, my older sister would sit on my stomach with her knees holding down my arms and she would poke her fingers at my chest, why I am an emotional wreck today I believe... (it was suppose to be tickling, but it was torment)
That same sister tried drowning me, she would sit on my shoulders and hold me down , I would fight to get the next breath of air before she did it agin,, to this day I do not know how I survived, but by the grace of God.
not really but nny brothers never call nne unless its nny birthday, it stinks
Yeah, but fortunately he got a protective order against me. :P
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