• Stage Fright Strategies Stage fright is a phenomenon that you must learn to control. Actually, stage fright isn't the most accurate term for the nervousness that occurs when considering a speaking engagement. In fact, most of the fear occurs before you step on-stage. Once you're up there, it usually goes away. Try to think of stage fright in a positive way. Fear is your friend. It makes your reflexes sharper. It heightens your energy, adds a sparkle to your eye, and color to your cheeks. When you are nervous about speaking you are more conscious of your posture and breathing. With all those good side effects you will actually look healthier and more physically attractive. Many of the top performers in the world get stage fright so you are in good company. Stage fright may come and go or diminish, but it usually does not vanish permanently. You must concentrate on getting the feeling out in the open, into perspective and under control. Remember Nobody ever died from stage fright. But, according to surveys, many people would rather die than give a speech. If that applies to you, try out some of the strategies in this section to help get yourself under control. Realize that you may never overcome stage fright, but you can learn to control it, and use it to your advantage. Like with public speaking, if you’ll be onstage singing or speaking, you must utilize your breathing in a sensible way. If possible, breathe only through your nose. It’s advisable to be trained by a professional, whether a voice coach or a yoga instructor. After all, your body is your instrument and must be treated with the utmost care and respect.
  • I am now a professional teacher. I have to get up in front of classes of student five days a week. However, when I was younger, I used to get terrible stage fright. I remember one presentation that i had to give in high school in which I spent the entire time mumbling and speaking down into my demonstration rather than out to the audience. So, here are a few tips that helped me to get over the stage fright. 1. Start small. Start by singing for friends and family, people with whom you are comfortable. As your confidence with them increases, so will your ability to perform for others. My break through came while I was working as a summer camp councelor. I was teaching basic skills to younger boys and found that I enjoyed that. From the small groups I had at Scout Camp, I have moved up to teaching full fledge college courses. 2. Try joining a choir. I too like to sing, but the thought of doing a solo would have been just a scary for me as getting up in front of a large group of people to give a speech. However, I never had problems with stage fright when I was part of a group. As my skill at singing improved, so did my confidence. I am by no means of a skill level where I could make a living as a singer, but I also don't worry about what other people think anymore either. I don't remember who said it, but one philosopher once said, "Do that which you fear and the fear will die." So, give these two ideas a try and see if they help you.
  • Close your eyes and sing from your heart
  • Oh yeah, I know the feeling of stage fright. It's not pleasant and really debilitating at times. I like to sing too and many times I had to put my feelings aside and just go ahead and perform. The more I was placed in this situation, the more confidence I obtained from the response of the audience. Their applause filled me with such confidence that I felt like singing more and more. It was great to see them liking how I sounded and that in turn made me perform better. My inhibitions disappeared and I was in my glory. Another thing I use to do when feeling totally frightened in front of the audience was to look over their heads and sing for myself. I blotted out that there was anyone looking and listening. Oh, another thing, ; ) Someone once told me to picture everyone in their underwear. That works too. : ) Try either one of these ways. It's not as bad as you think after a few times. Good luck!
  • It comes from anxiety of the scrutiny of your peers. Think of it this way, yoiu are singing for you, not for them, if they happen to be there, so be it. But I definately wouldn't let that bother me. I used to have horrible stage fright, but then I thought of my acting as a personal thing instead of a public thing.
  • If you become anxiety-ridden beforehand, you can breathe (4 counts in, 8 counts out) and imagine you are standing on an old wooden bridge over a lazy but moving river. There's a breeze blowing through your hair. You pull all your anxiety out of your body as if it were sticks, and bundle it together, then toss it into the water and watch it float away. You do this as often as the anxiety comes up in you. When you are in front of your audience, if you can make eye contact, do so with a few people. Smile at each one and take in the fact that they smile back. Pretend you are doing something nice for your best friends and that these people are your best friends. These techniques worked for me. At one time, I was so phobic of public speaking, I drank a whole bottle of cheap wine before a report in grad. school, which I bungled anyway. Because I was so nervous, the wine had no effect. When I left the classroom and could relax (though I felt humiliated), I suddenly felt so drunk, my friend had to walk me home, half carrying me. This is no lie. I became a university professor.
  • Fear is something that takes a hold of us and pulls us down. Faith is believing in something that we can not see OR is something in the future that we know is going to happen. Like everyone else have said: Face Your Fears... But, there are some fears which can not face and some which you can conqueror. Singing in front of small crowds and getting use to them is the best. If you believe your voice is the best it can be...then it is...just believing that you are the best will help your confidence.
  • Hi I used to work in the hairdressing industry as a hairdresser then studied computers and technology and communication classes we had to do assignments involving toastmasters speeches. communication in large groups and speaking to an audience were also included. Some of the methods we were taught at university to get over fear of public speaking not exactly the same thing but similar to your problem. We were told to talk to our pets yes I know it sounds crazy but if you imagine the people you are talking to are friendly or something or someone you are familar with such as your cat this helps you to stay calm. Thait's if your cat or dog will stay still for long enough. The other thing was to line up a crowd of soft toys. Yes sounds crazy but it works for some. Another thing was to focus on one person in the audience especially if it's someone you know. If you will have people you know there, focus on them more than the rest of the crowd. A friendly face and not look at the audience constantly but move your eyes over the audience not just to one person but over from one area to another think mentally in your head before and when you are going out on stage that you are just in your own safe home environment and pretend you are in your lounge at home alone when you sing. Have fun with it if the situation permits. What I mean by that is get the audience involved nothing like audience participation and work the crowd. The first persons advice is very sound and well presented also for speeches. You know out of all the training we had about preparation the funny thing is when I say my exam I got the day wrong and turned up totally unprepared and had to speak to a huge audience. We were told practice, practice, practice. I got the dates and month wrong and had no cue cards nothing. I found that having the speech without my papers on a day that I had mixed up meant I had to fluke it. Believe it or not, this worked out far better than the first time when I had planned it and failed. Another good guide to speaking in public is at I came across public speaking or a speeches instructional guide for free on there I believe theres also info at Hope this helps Oh and one last thing before I go. One huge piece of advice that seems to work for many is to think of yourself as a talented actor and this is your film role you are acting as a confident strong person who is not easily scared. We learnt in communication classes that people can change from passive to assertive by acting like they are assertive by exibhiting behaviour of a typically assertive person. One you do this a few times it becomes easiler after that. Just to keep thinking that you can do it and pretend that you are confident and assertive and nothing can put you off at all. Good luck
  • The best way is dive right in. One of the best ways if you are old enough is to go to a karaoke bar in a town you never go to. Here you are surrounded by drunk people that generally can not sing but think they can. Sice you don't anyone there is not the pressure of being under scrutiny from friends. Also you will be better then the rest of them if you ever go to karaoke will be amazed at the singers there. Do this a few times find out what works what doesn't. If you are not old enough for this there might be some youth groups with open mic nights so try that. However you will not have the edge of the drunk singers. So maybe practice in the mirror first that always works as a starter.
  • you can pretend that u r in the bathroom singing in the shower and have fun with it.
  • Well, tomorrow I have to sing at a graduation. I have sang in front of large crowds before and I myself have found myself stuck and scared of performing. It comes naturally. The best way I handle it would be to before you go up, think to yourself who else in this room would do what I'm doing? You really have to connect with the song and put your heart and soul into it to deliver a good performance. Sometimes it's good to make a spotter person. By saying this i mean having one or maybe two people in the audience to be able to look at while you are performing. The person should be someone who is respectful to what you are doing, so they don't do silly things to make you laugh on stage. I hope my tips work!!!
  • I tend to use meditation techniques before going out on stage. It can really help soothe your anxiety and allow you to focus on what you're doing. Give it a shot.
  • just try to think more about singing than your stagefright

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