• I don't, and I wouldn't.
  • I hug my best friend but i wouldn't share a tooth brush
  • Hug, but not kiss. Though one of my "friends" (this really annoying guy who uses me as a diary a lot) once kissed me on the neck while hugging me, which pissed me off inside... ugh. Depends on which friend...
  • i most certainly do. i graduated from an all girls catholic school... the only thing we did with consistency is sit on each others laps, pledge our undying love to one another, hug, kiss, hold hands, and trash talk our boyfriends. i've graduated, and continued on to college, and not one thing has changed.
  • I hug & kiss on the cheek but no way would I ever share my germs or want to share theirs in my mouth because lord only knows what they've had in there I don't know about. I don't share a tooth brush with my husband much less a close friend. Ewww.
  • No problem giving a female friend a kiss on the cheek. Have slipped due to head tilt and caught lip, but no bid deal. I've actually had to stop myself from giving a female business associate a kiss. Just the first reaction, I guess. Hug for a close guy friend, no problem, otherwise a handshake and a pat on the arm. As for toothbrushes, I've borrowed them and loaned them, never to a woman though. They didn't ask and I doubt if they would accept the offer. That's why I keep extras in my bathroom.
  • Yes i am a tactile person and i always hug and kiss my friend, but probably wouldn't share all their toothbrushes, maybe just one of them if i really had to!
  • A bit off track here, but studies have shown that rats living on city streets and exposed to all sorts of germs have a greater ressiliency to mild germs than lab rats not exposed to ant germs. Moral: Let your kids play in the dirt, not wash their hands and use each others toothbrushes. Build that immune system baby.
  • I've never kissed a friend. And I have issues with hugging. I don't really like to hug makes me sort of uncomfortable. I didn't hug my boyfriend for like 2 weeks in the very begining. I'm an oddball, I know. But, oddly enough I would share my toothbrush with someone and have done so in the past. Germs don't bother me.
  • My best friend and I have resolved to do the European cheek kiss when we see each other from now on. Of course she's in Spain for the next 10 months, so we'll see what happens when she gets back. =)
  • I give hugs and cheek kisses to them, but thats a far cry from using thier toothbrush, lol.
  • we always hug even if its my friends gf... thats just how our group is... i'd let most of them use my toothbrush. most of my friends drink enough to kill even the most resilient germs
  • I don't kiss anyone other than my boyfriend. I mostly only hug him, but I have known myself to hug close friends. I don't share a toothbrush with anyone, and I don't see any good reason to.
  • NO! I do not hug No I do not kiss Yes I have borrowed and lent my toothbrush to my comrades
  • yes hug yes kiss both male and female and I would let any of the girls use my toothbrush.. not sure about the guys though maybe one or two of them

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