• I wish I really would have listened to my parents, it makes things so much less heartbreaking and stuff. I also wish I would've known that I shouldn't have sex or anything like that till I'm married, it's not as great as everyone paints it out to be. And I wish there were more people out there like you, wise enough to learn from others mistakes and expirences. Good job on that.
  • I wish I would have know that things don't turn out like you want them to, to not give into every guy that paid me the lest amount of attention, that studing and paying attention in school really does pay off so you can get that scholarship and not have to rely on parents who want to see you fail, and that marriage does not make a man a husband. Let me just say that I'm glad you're taking the initiative to find out the truth about stuff before you make your leaps. It shows great maturity and responsability.
  • I wish I would've listened 2 my mom more. She really knew what she was talking about.
  • I wish I would have known that when a boy says he loves you, that it really means "I want to get in your pants". I also wish I would have known to trust my instincts more. More often than not, your first gut reaction is correct- or that nagging feeling right in the middle of your gut. (This is why they call it a "gut feeling".) And the thing I wish that I had known the most- once you leave childhood, and then leave teen-hood, you never get that back. Once you become an adult you have bills, and mortgages and a job, and all those adult things in life. You'll wish you could go back and be a "kid" again.
  • This is what my Mom taught me when I was 13. 1. Intimacy is a gift. If you decide to share it with someone, picture yourself with them when they're ninety years old. If that thought grosses you out, then they're the wrong person to share it with. 2. Beauty is 80% health, and 20% confidence. 3. Have a full physical yearly. It may save your life. (this one is actually directly from me, not my Mom)
  • 1. Not all boys are sincere. So always put your guards up. 2. People will try to bring you down. Just ignore them.
  • You're not that fat!
  • Honestly, your mom, your mom, your mom. Always listen to your mom. If she's half as good as mine, you'll soon realize that "oh dear god, she WAS always right...". But my mom was one of those who TOLD you what was right, but still LET you do what you thought was better so ... in the end you realized stuff on your own... while always keeping a little bit of supervision tho ;) BUT i still think that you should ALWAYS do what your true self wants to do because it's thru experience you will learn best, and you wont have this feeling of "what if" afterwards. try all sorts of stuff *not necessarily STUPID stuff* and have fun! you won't be able to care as less later when it all gets too serious... go have a blast hun cuz it's all good :) Don't let those bitter comments on life get to you ; because trying to have a flawless, clear, bumpless life would be quite boring. It's all about the highs and the lows, the good moments and the bad ones. your best memories you'll cherish are still ahead... go make 'em happen ;)
  • I wish I had known how ridiculous the popular girls at school are. I am now in education and I see through their silly little games and need for constant bitching about each other. They build themselves up to make others feel small, they are only attractive once they've dyed their hair, spent 2 hours on their makeup before school and organised their clothes down to the perfect hair tie. I wish that I had never let them make me feel small or ugly and that I had not listened to their constant peer pressure to be "cool". When all is said and done they grow up and fade into the background and thankfully as much as they may still try its not as easy to rein as the popular ones anymore.
  • Adults lie. It's a fact. Get your BS shield up now. You'll need it in the real world. Married sex DOESN'T suck. I am SO happy I waited for marriage to have sex. Looking at my 21 year old friends going through their first divorces, worrying about how they're gonna take care of their kids because they got knocked up in high school ISN'T pretty. Learn How To Cook. Srsly. It's cheaper and healthier than take-away, and saves you time in the long run. I promise. Etiquette is not dead. Mind your P's and Q's, use correct language, and learn to give a firm handshake. People WILL respect you. It is always better to be overdressed than under-dressed. You can NEVER underestimate the power of good hygiene. Clean fingernails, fresh skin and well-kept hair say a lot about a person.
  • If people are talking behind your back, it's because you're in front of them. Or else they wouldnt say it to your face. Laugh at the popular girls. Realize who has been the most stable figures in your life, and never forget who to appreciate.
  • Good to do your research. I would ask you to think back 3 years to when you were 10 years old. You thought you were pretty smart then, I bet. You've learned a lot since then, right. Now look ahead 3 years, to 16. I am betting you'll be much smarter then than you are now. So, my advice to a 13 year old is to realize that you are just approaching the threshold of thinking like an adult, you haven't made it yet. Keep learning as you go. Be patient. I have sons twice your age, and they are learning all the time. (So am I.) Living takes a lifetime of learning, and then you're done!
  • First, never join a group with a name. It will be your death. If people come up to you and say "We're the So-and-sos!" you need to run away. Second, and this is important, don't trust anyone but yourself. If someone tells you something, say, like I'm doing right now, you shouldn't believe it until you verify it by yourself. No one will ever know what's best for you 'cept for you, and the sooner you find that out the sooner you'll find out how to run the rest of your life on your own.
  • Boys make great regular friends, but boyfriends aren't worth it until you find one to marry. Sex is great and all, but hold off on it until you're married. It may be old-fashioned, but it's better sex that way, and you'll have an in-tact heart instead of one splintered up with small parts with many men. Popularity is over-rated when it takes not being you to be popular. Confidence is beautiful. Be gentle with people - it's easier to hurt than heal. Listen more than you talk. Talk is cheap, but what you learn from listening to others is priceless. This goes doubly for your mother, and triple for your grandmothers. Grandmother's insights on life, and stories of their life are things you will treasure if you take the time to ask questions and listen to the answers. (This goes for dads and grandfathers and other older people too.) Dream big. Little dreams are easy to meet, but big dreams will get you infinitely father. Family is important. Your parents are usually right, and are always trying their best, even when their best isn't all that great - and there will be times it's dreadful, but it's still their best. They're human too. You want a little slack - cut them some too. Adults aren't really all that grown up, and they definitely don't have it all together. They just pretend better. Not all things are created equal. Some things are better than others. Hold out for the best instead of settling for something that will do. When in doubt, keep a diary. You'll be able to look back and see yourself growing, learning, and maturing, and that will help you see your way forwards. Don't grow up faster than you have to. You only get one year to be each age, and if you miss it trying to be another age, you never get it back. Be a responsible kid instead of an irresponsible adult. Everyone will respect it, and most of all, you'll respect yourself.
  • i am 14 now, and i am still reading all the wonderful answers everyone has givin me. thank you all SO MUCH! your answers have already gotten me through alot of descions. i look at this page everyday. everyones imput means alot to me, and i also want to say sorry to all those that has realized the horrible things they shouldnt have done. your giving me teh chance to not have to look back at those things and i really apriciate it!
  • The most important thing that I've learnt over the years, that I wish I could've redone is to be kind to everyone. It's hard sometimes, and sometimes you feel as though you were being kind and yet nobody gives you the same courtesy, but it really doesn't matter; life seems so much sweeter when you don't put people down because there's just less negativity in your life in general. Be kind to EVERYONE, EVERYONE; NEVER put anyone down in a hurtful, spiteful way. I can't stress how important that is. Also, popularity may take your life over, but it's so, so, so, so, so, so, so meaningless. It may be extremely hard for you to escape the whirlwind of the junior high/high school social scene, but just remember to NEVER do anything you don't feel comfortable doing or be or wear or say or surround yourself with people or situations that you aren't comfortable with. Stand up, walk away, or decline. It's as simple as that and in the end, you'll not regret that decision. Treasure your family, as much as you can. Next thing you know, you'll be leaving home and you won't see them for a very long time. And it's hard to imagine when it's not that time, but that time will come and you'll realize that no matter what kind of shit you've been through with them or that they may have put your through, you will still miss them like hell.
  • the world won't end if you your heart breaks. you'll move on eventually. don't bother trying to be popular school. most likely you want see half these people ever again. lifes not gonna be what you thought it was gonna be. always have fun and never regret.
  • Spend some time living on your own if you can before marrying or living with someone. I believe that you don't really grow up until you have to depend on yourself.
  • lol I wish I would have known.... how expensive having a kid was going to be!!! It's nuts. If I had known this then, I may have never had kids. lol I saw on that the average cost of raising a child is like $380,000. Now imagine just knowing this at a young age. It would have made me think first!! Good luck with life. :O)
  • I wish I would have known that people can fake being nice. Just because people are nice to you doesn't automatically make them your friend. And don't tell other people things you wouldnt want everyone to know. I always wish I could have known that the majority of people are fake in high school. One more thing - To keep your friends close but your enemies closer. :] Good luck.
  • Be yourself. I know, that is the most predictable thing ever. But I'm 16 now, and I swear, I heard that all the time. But I never thought it through, because here I am wishing I would have done it. I'm very happy with myself, not completely confident yet, but I'm a 16 year old. Who at my age is 100% happy? Just always think, before you make a decision, be yourself. Being yourself can have so many different dimensions. It's not just 'not giving in to peer pressure' its giving yourself what you want. If you want to drink, do it. Just don't do it because people tell you to. It's not just about doing the right thing all the time, it's taking risks, having a good time. Just think of yourself first though.
  • You will remember everything you choose to do that isn't good. You will remember with regret.
  • Understand that everybody is not like your family. Society is a peculiar mix of crazies and angels. Expect the unexpected.
  • Wait to have sex! Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer! There are other "fish in the sea"! Do not drink and drive. Live your life to the fullest. Do not get married until after you are 25. Be healthy!!!!
  • Big boobs aren't everything. A lot of times it turns out to be not so great to have big huge boobs. People think you are something you are not.
  • Be thankful for the good times. Bad things will happen and they will hurt, but you will get through them. Be the person you would want to have as a friend. You will attract people like yourself. Set your boundries (morals) now and hold firm, especially when people tell you you can't. Always shoot higher than you think you can go, you just might get there. Don't rush through life. Experience the now. Recognize that everyone you meet is going through something in thier life at that very moment. If they have negativity towards you, its probably because something stressful is going on in their life. Pray daily.
  • #1, I'm impressed you're even asking at age 13. That shows a lot of character. I wish that I had known that being yourself is a lot more attractive than trying to impress others by being a person you "think" they want you to be. Have good values and morals and stick to them. Others will respect you for it in the long run. If they don't then you don't really want them as your friends.
  • Sex before marriage does harm you emotionally and there is a very big chance you will regret it and become desensitized to the difference between love making and sex. It can be fun and good times but it is a horrible feeling to meet your true love and realize you cannot offer them the gift that was meant just for them. It is heart breaking. Sure, not all people regret it. I do and I am 31. It is not just about STDs and pregnancy. Giving yourself to someone is a precious thing. Share it with multiple people and you take a risk in not learning how to give yourself totally because you have overexposed a beautiful and secret part of you. I wish I had waited.. not just because my parents told me to but because as an adult I know I never knew then what I do now.. and that is that sex is NOT love making and it took me years to learn the difference because I thought I knew it all back then.
  • Never eat yellow snow.
  • No means No and let know one tell you different
  • Guys who want to tell you what to do all the time and don't want you to hang out with your friends are no good. Wait to have sex. It changes you. Save half of everything you earn. Your parents aren't completely clueless. The mother's curse 'One day you'll have a child just like you' is real. Be the child you want to have one day.
  • Listen to your parents, theyve been through it all already, and they only want whats best! if a guy dumps you, dont bother chasing him or crying non stop he's not worth it and its not the end of the world! if people bitch and you hear it , dont get involved! if there is anything you want to take up (learn an instrument, start dance class etc) then do it now! : )
  • I wish I knew different career choices while I was in high school. I graduated in 1976 and didn't realize until I was working as a secretary in New York City that there were other types of careers I might have been interested in doing. After a lot of hard work I was able to change my job. I also wish I knew then that college would be so important in getting an interesting and well-paying job. I would have gone to college when I was young. The other advice is that no matter how you look now or what label you may have at school, looks and labels change. I was sort of plain and a nerd in school. When I went back to my reunion, I was pretty, had a really good life and a great looking husband. Some of the "cool" kids didn't believe I was the same girl from high school. The best revenge is living well!
  • I was always too scared to be myself. I always followed the crowd. My advice - BE YOURSELF!! And don't let anyone change you. You are your own trend. Also I was a curious 13 year could call that vulnerable. You are more open to risk that way. A lot of people will make you say and do things. Use your intution..if it feels wrong..don't do it. On that note don't be afraid to make a few mistakes. Use them to your advantage. Learn from them. Enjoy being 13!
  • You're worth waiting for. Don't let some moron pressure you into having sex.
  • Wait to have kids....make sure you are ready and the person you are with is ready to not only have kids but live through the pressure of having a family...and not bail at the first sign of tension. (I had my first kid at 26) for a few years...finish on your own...maybe travel the world...then settle life to the fullest before getting tied down to a huge commiment such as kids... they will see it later in their life that at least you had a chance to be free and live...rather then seeing a mom who regrets not having some sort of fun first.
  • An amazing, impressive question! And I'm going to copy and paste everybody's advice to give to my kids some day, thank you all. I'd recommend printing these out and going over them every week! . My advice... be quiet sometimes, turn off the music and PC, and get to know yourself enough that you like or love yourself and know without a double that you're a good person. . Don't enter a serious relationship until you really like yourself - that way you won't fall for sweet-talk from somebody who's paying you attention and being with someone because you're scared of being alone. . It's the rare teenage (or later) guy who doesn't have sex as an important motive. As everybody else has said, Wait. . I've read that the brain isn't fully mature until the late 20's... that's when I started liking myself and seeing things in proper perspective. . Your heart will probably be broken at some point. It will get better. . You might find yourself falling for someone who you know at some level isn't good for you. You absolutely have to go into any relationship with your eyes wide open, asking the hard questions, and walking away, no matter how painful, if he isn't good for you.
  • Beware of guys. While there are still good guys out there, most of them will say anything, or do anything it takes to trick you into sex. Wait until you are sure it is the real thing. Then remember that when someone is young, they do not truly understand love, or relationships with the other sex. While a teen may think they are in love, the cases of true teenage love are very very rare. Don't expect to spend the rest of your life with anyone you date while still in school. Chances are that won't happen. Beware of older guys. If there is someone who acts interested in you, and he is over 4 years older than you, something is odd with it. Generally, when an older guy goes out with a younger girl ( who is in her teens) the guy's motive is not what is appears to be.
  • In high school it isn't about friends, it's about you and getting ahead of everyone. It isn't about having your first boyfriend, it's about knowing when you're ready. It isn't about thinking that because all the guys hit on you and tell you how cute you are they all really think it. Guys are selfish, they want you for them not themselves for you. Teachers will only recommend the students who care and make a big first impression, so go up to the front of the class and make your voice heard, be seen. If you don't go for it, you'll never achieve it. (For everything in general) Highschool consists of the worst 4 years of your life, you will get stressed, you will be happy at times, you will be forced to read LONG books, you will write a MILLION and a HALF essays, you will get made fun of, mimicked for what is probably what makes you beautiful and unique, just ignore the people, they're either jealous or seriously ignorant fools. Don't fall for the whole "hollister" and "a&F" "ae" "aeropostale" fads, all the girls end up looking the same in those hoodies or shirts, jeans and uggs. Don't do anything you wouldn't do in front of your parents. Always listen to your mom, she's a blessing to you. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I wish I would have known: that life is NOTHING like hollywood movies make it out to be.... that the "first time" is always going to suck and it should be with the one you are spending the rest of your life with because you'll get to spend your life getting it right with him because it's a learning process and a lot of give and take..... that the guy you crush on for years doesn't have the script that is in your head and you need to be brave, speak up and talk to him :) find out where he stands and if he'd like to be friends.... that guys are only interested in "one thing" at that age and it's not worth it... that the guys who matter will be interested in you as a person and not push for "the one thing"..... and most importantly.... that you need to know who you are yourself and be confidant in yourself before you can truly relate to others.... your sense of worth should NEVER come from someone else.... and don't spend your life hating.... or resenting... the person/people most likely don't' even know they've "done you wrong" and you're only wasting your time.... when you hate a person you become their slave, they control your thoughts and your resentment produces stress in your body that wears you down and you start to feel like you can not escape.... only you can control how you feel and react to things... taking it out on others or trying to manipulate them or control them, or tear them down so you feel better or "appear" better only hurts yourself....
  • I wish I would have known that 9 out of every 10 guys I met were going to sweet-talk me for no other reason than to have sex with me. They can be very convincing and would have you believe that no one will ever want you unless you have sex with them that moment, but they are lying and will keep on lying to get into those panties! Don't believe a single word of it! Save yourself for someone who really loves you and YOU will know when the time is right!
  • i wish i would of... waited until i was in a more serious relationship before having sex
  • Don't listen to any of these answers. Live your life, mistakes will be made, so what. Go with your gut. You will be who you will be, live and learn. I would say respect your parents but they might by useless and abusive no nuthin's. So, live and learn, there are no right or wrongs. You only live once, try to make the right decisions and be true to yourself.
  • Not only have you been getting such advice all your life, you will continue getting it until the day you die. Nothing is offered more frequently and more freely than advivce. The trouble is, we never seem to listen and have to learn the lessons ourself. So, ask questions. Learn to acknowledge yourself and accept yourself. Spend some time meditating. Look for spiritual growth. Asking a question like this at 13 suggests the beginnings of true wisdom. Develop your inner wisdom. This is something schools don't teach, you have to learn for yourself. As suggested reading, try Carolyn Myss. Good luck.
  • study girl. study. and dont fall pregnant. go get that jab in the butt as soon as you can to stop it. lol.
  • never ever ever snitch about anything unless its life threatning but otha wise never snitch on any1 wat eva the circumstances trust me just dnt do it im 13 as well soo i know wat ya goin through trust me dnt snitch on any1!
  • You don't have to give "love" to everyone who "says" they love you. When a situation just "feels wrong", go with that feeling. Don't ignore your gut instinct. Stay in school. Follow your dreams. Figure out what you love to do, then figure out how to make a living doing just that!! Don't get married because someone says "don't you think its time". Surround yourself with people you truly love and show you they love you in return!
  • i'm 17, and i wish i'd learned a lot earlier to learn from my mistakes instead of regretting them so much. you cannot change your past, and what has already happened, but you can change your future, and the future of those around you. and know that someone is always watching what you're doing, and probably learning from it. i'm very thankful to have been given the opportunity to have more "litte sisters" than i can count. they look to me for everything and my relationship with each of them is amazing and rewarding. build those relationships, and if nothing else, help them learn from your mistakes!
  • I'm 21 - I wish I would have known to wait before giving my ex boyfriend of myself. I should have waited and been a virgin for my current love - whom I've been with for 5 years. Also, boys are STUPID and not worth trying to committ suicide over...EVER. i've done and dealt with alot of stupid stuff and if I would have known, life would've been smoother.
  • i will make this quick and easy to understand. be friends with eneryone and trust no one. it might be hard but it will make your life so much easyier. and do good in school.
  • I wish I had ignored the bullies and seen them for the cowards they are. I wish I had cleaned my room when I lived at home - wouldn't make housework seem such a chore now! I wish I had followed my dreams and believed that good things can happen to people like me. I wish I had talked to my older relatives and appreciated their wisdom while they were still able to tell me their stories. I wish my husband had been the first man I ever met - would have saved so much heartache! But I am glad I made mistakes to learn from so that I can appreciate what I do have....
  • dont be attracted to the bad boys.
  • You know, most 13 year old girls wouldn't even think to ask a question like this. I think you'll do just fine on your own. And, anyway, the truth is, people pretty much have to experience to learn.
  • Get some sort of an idea as to what you want to do in life and go to college to make that happen. I wasted lots of money taking random college classes because I had no major, now I wish I had some sort of an idea.
  • never have sex before you are married.later you will be pregnet.and usually 89% of boys in the world leave forever when you tell them that.thats because most of them are not ready to be a my advice to you is that just dont...until YOU ready.not because a jerk wants you to.most teenage boys just want sex,not just take my advice and DO NOT have sex before marrage.:]
  • Oh, I have a lot - from seeing other people's lives, mine, etc. There are bad times in life, but that will change. Things can be THE WORST, but eventually they will be THE BEST. Don't let other people determine how you feel -- they may be awful to you, but don't let them win and steal your happiness! Plan for your future, don't just live in the moment. There's a great chance you will have a future, but it will be more difficult if you haven't planned for it (schooling, job, career, save money..etc.) Don't have sex just because other people are having sex, or want you to have sex. That's something you should be ready for. Definitely don't do it before you graduate high school! Sex brings on a whole other world of things (issues, etc) that you shouldn't even have to worry about, when you are young and have a lot of other things to deal with. Remember that people's brains aren't fully developed until they are much older - that includes the part of the brain that makes decisions. (Drugs and drinking alcohol hurt you more than most people realize, when you're young! There are a lot of reasons there is a legal drinking age limit!) You should be comfortable with having sex, not scared, embarassed. Wait until you (at least!) really care and trust that person. And don't feel embarrassed to talk about it (talk about std's, condoms, etc..) LISTEN more than you talk. If you refrain from speaking all the time, you learn a lot! Also WATCH people and learn from their experiences and mistakes. Okay, I'll stop now. :oP
  • Enjoy your natural freshfaced, barefaced beauty; your hair as it is - be it brunette, red or blonde or black, or straight or curly - because your youth alone is very, very beautiful - no matter what the advertisors or supermodels or celebrities say. Of course makeup to accentuate what you already have is a good idea, anytime and can be fun, and straightening curly hair just to see what you look like, straight, is novel - but its not worth obsessing over. ask any guy with enough experience - any guy worth hanging out with, and he'll tell you intelligence, a good sense of humour, kindness PLUS a nice enough face and body, can be a knockout combination. You dont have to look like a goddess, ever, to have a great life.
  • dont re-think. just live. safley.
  • being cool dosnt count for shit once you graduate. do well in school, some people have to work harder for thier marks then others.
  • Have faith in yourself. And follow your dreams, not anybody else's.
  • the only advise i can give you now that comes to mind is about guys dont have sex but if trying to get a guy hard to get girls turn on 100% of guys
  • I wish i would have known all the partys wouldn't make things better. i wish i would ahve known sex isn't the answer to being happy, i wish i would have known all the pain and hurt would ahev gone away without the scars on my wrist. most importantly i wish i woud have known not to try and grow up so fast, enjoy being young the real world SUCKS!
  • boys can be retards until they pass puberty (i know, i am one)
  • I guess mine would have to be I wish I would have learned that sometimes people act and say things that are not always truthful and you never "really" know anyone I was very nieve when I was a teen and I believed people and took what everyone said at thier word so my advice would be keep your guard up and use your gut instincts to guide you when choosing friends,boyfriends ect..
  • Popularity doesn't mean crap. When you graduate it's every man/woman for themselves. Don't sweat the small stuff. Take the time to see who your true friends are. They'll stick with you till the end and tell you the truth - even if it hurts. Offer them the same courtesy. All boys want in your pants. Period. It's not that they don't really like you, they just can't think that well for themselves yet. Don't let them get carried away with something you'll both regret later. They can't help it. You're the only clear thinking one that can save both of you. Use your power wisely. - TRUST ME ON THAT ONE. But the most important one: Never, never, ever doubt yourself. Peer pressure can make you feel worthless. There will always be prettier girls. There will always be more popular, rich, etc etc etc girls. No matter what, you are fine the way you are. The best thing you could EVER do for yourself, is to have confidence in yourself. Everything else will fall into place, I promise.
  • DON'T smoke! DON'T accumulate credit card debt! DON'T take relationships too seriously as a teenager. ENJOY your youth, don't try to be too much of an adult. Appreciate your parents! Above all, BE YOURSELF. Try not to get caught up in peer pressure, trends, gossip, cliques, or drama. You'll be proud of yourself for it later in life.
  • Sex isn't as great as the magazines and boys will tell you it is. But it is a lot better when you are old enough to be in a long term relationship and care for a child should you happen to have one. Work hard in school and read as much as you can. It will take you far.
  • i may not be THAT much older than you, but i've had the best give me advice. and it has been working out pretty well... first off, boys, are boys. most are perverted little freaks. LOL no joke, if you can find a boy who is "good with God", you've got the world, he will respect you like no other. (it may be hard to find but NEVER be afraid to make a boy wait for you) second, never be who you arent girl. thats where i started to go wrong. find yourself. "There is an inner beauty about a woman who has confidence, who knows where she stands. Beauty in the strength and determination of a woman who follows her own path, and is unique in her heart. There is beauty in everything and everyone; you just have to know how to look for it."
  • life is unfair! shit happens
  • 1 That your parents are almost always right when they tell you 'no' it really is because they are 2 looking out for your best interest 3 do good in school. you don't need to impress the people in your school, once you graduate you won't see them again and it doesn't matter what they think of you, you need to look out for your future, you are the only one who cares about your future, they don't 4 sex really isn't all its chocked up to be, wait, save yourself the heartache and wait 5 listen to your gut, when you get that feeling that something just isn't right, it's not 6 remember that men will tell you whatever it is you want to hear to get what they want 7 don't settle, know what you want and don't accept anything else you deserve it, don't let anyone tell you different 8 a man who is mean to his mother will always treat you like shit
  • When you think you're in love, most the time you really aren' can ALWAYS find someone better even if it seems impossible. I think that's what a lot of teenagers are obsessed with "love". So don't ever think to yourself,"I will never be able to get over this person." Trust me you can. I hope that helps, even though I'm a little late in answering the question!
  • I am 23 years old now, and I grew up WAY TOO fast. I am happy now, but there are 3 things I will always regret about my teenage years. 1. Sleeping with someone for the first time because I felt that everyone else was doing it, and "I might as well get it over with." I had 2 friends that waited, they were both adults when they had sex for the first time. Guys respected them so much more than me. Guys knew if they went out on a date that they weren't getting any, which actually kept the crappy guys away from them. I am so happy with my husband, I wish I could say that he was the only man I had ever been with. 2. School~ just stay in school, no matter how hard, or boring... Just finish! I quit highschool, and although I finally started college, I still have recurring nightmares about trying to graduate highschool. I also hate the idea of telling my kids or other people that I dropped out, its embarrassing. 3. Do not be "that girl" ~the one who tries to outdrink the boys at the party... you go from being fine to acting like an idiot faster than you know. Again, guys and girls have so much more respect for the person who isn't drinking, or smoking... I wish I had been strong enough to be that person. One more thing: Don't drink and drive, or get in the car with someone who has been. Ever.
  • Don't settle for less when it comes to dating! Who you think you will end up with may not happen and you may be sad, but someone so much better will come along! The right person will never break your heart.
  • You seem very smart, just by the fact that you asked this question, but here goes: DO NOT SMOKE. Not even once, not even casually. I smoke now, and it is the hardest thing in the world to give up. If I could go back, I would never have started. My parents tried everything in their power to get me educated on the dangers of smoking, and I just let it all roll on by. There are worse things to do, and this one seems so casual, but it is not. It makes your clothes stink, makes you lethargic, makes you unable to do things where you cannot smoke, takes all your money, your breath, and eventually your life.
  • So true the girls that think they are popular and get that by being mean and nasty, probably most of the school dislikes them or hates them but has the class to not show it. 1) Don't gossip and talk behind peoples back. It will come around to bite you and it is not worth ruining friendships and the respect people have for you. 2) Don't do anything you feel uncomfortable doing. If you choose to have sex , that is your choice but it shouldn't be a on the fly one. Whoever that person is, if you can't talk to them about it and what you will do to make sure you are safe, then maybe either you or that person isn't ready. 3) Be yourself, don't be afraid to let yourself shine. If you don't feel comfortable being who you are with people than maybe those people aren't such great people to hang out with, even if they bring you social perks or something like that. 4) If you want to be well liked, be nice. Smile, say hi in the hallways, include.Don't shun or tease meanly, it will just end badly. 5) Stand up for what you believe. Thats how you get respect but don't force your beliefs on anyone. Have self respect by respecting them. "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything" is so true. But be careful about picking your battle,fight your your beliefs but fight fair and with tolerance. Don't create drama or fights over things that don't matter. if you are going to call someone out on someone ,be careful if you do it publicly and use your head. 6) I guess I can say talk to your parents. Make sure you don't lose touch. They can help you through the crazy years and for the most part they know what you are doing. obviously its awkward to talk about certain subjects i.e whose hot or what you did at a party or dance or something like that. But things like how school is going and how people treat each other are things to talk about. If you have a parent willing to listen try explaining to them how you feel it is socially in your school or class or grade, talk about without being mean, who to you is what or things they do that you would or wouldn't do. Talking about relationships that you are around can help you define your understanding of it. Your parents can be trusted and can help you see through stuff. Also if you talk to them in advance about who is who and what they do when you come to them with a real problem then they can help you get through it by having context about those people. Respect your parents and they should respect you. Use your head! Good luck hun! Some of these things are hard but if you can try to do or not to them it will make it easier for you. Oh, if there is an activity you are interested in, try it out now. As you get older you will just feel more self-conscious or weirded out by trying new things, or maybe you are different. Its an age thing though and as you get older you have less time to spend just hanging out. So if you like Dance go check out a dance class, or if you love writing start now, or if you always wanted to learn to surf or do gymnastics , try it out now and see how you feel. You can drop it if it gets to much when you are older but now its good to have an activity only for fun or because you feel like doing it. There are hundreds of things out there, those are just the ones I wish I had spent time doing. So my opinion, by all means go out there with your own ideas- take on the world
  • Don't waste your time dating boys until you are out of high school. You can hang out as friends, but try to avoid the physical intimacy. You'll be thankful you did and you can employ your time much better; play sports, try new hobbies, relax at the beach, volunteer, find out what really makes you tick...without all the drama that goes along with 'dating'. You'll have time for that later. Just enjoy being you and hang out with positive people. Kudos to you for being wise :) I wish I would have asked that question at 13 and listened...
  • 1) You will regret having sex with anyone you don't love. 2) Sexually transmitted diseases are real. 3) Don't think you can't get pregnant just because you never have before when you were careless. 4) Research and find a way to do what you truly love. 5) Being a follower is not cool. 6) You can not control other people or situations but you can control your response. 7) Read Dr. Seuss's, "Oh, The Places You'll Go"-I'm 34 and it still sends a message to me. 8) The sooner you accept God (or the Higher Power of your choice) the sooner you can let Him do the worrying for you--and the sooner you can begin to find out His purpose for your life and share the love with others.
  • Never hump your boyfriend. Friend did it. ooh wasn't pretty. She's sorta loko.
  • If a guy tries to do anything with you and you don't want him to -- and he keeps at it anyway, it's okay to knee him in the balls as hard as you can -- no matter how good of a friend or boyfriend he is to you.
  • I wish I would have known earlier to save my money!! I got married and pregnant before I had saved any money and its a struggle every day. If I would have saved my money, then I would be living in a nicer apartment, have gone to college first...and on...and on....
  • Wow. So much can be said, and has been said. Although I hate the concept of 'I wish I knew then what I know now' etc, but this is a little different. I will say one thing: enjoy the journey to whatever you're going towards. The destination isn't what it's all about. You're lucky if you get there and it's this clouds-parting, angels-singing, stand-on-top-of-the-mountain moment, but even that's temporary. Believe me, you'll more likely look back on the journey towards it with more fondness than the actual final moment. And don't be in a rush to get there. The longer the journey, the sweeter the reward, yes, but once you have it, you can't go back to the journey. Ok I think I'm rambling a lil in circles here lol, and this journey talk can be applied to many things, but I've learned this all from experience. We all know reality is sometimes a let down, and a lot of the time, the innocent naive ignorance of your youth and inexperience can be sweet. Reminds me of a quote 'We are only ever truly happy when daydreaming about future happiness'...
  • Don't ever look down on yourself. I'm only a few years older than you, and I'm the person who can't even believe my own judgment. But I know sometimes life is hard and it messes you up, but nothing is ever worth not fixing, especially yourself.
  • i am 16, so around the same age. i think there is one rule. "DONT CARE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE SAY!!!!". seriously! it will crush you. you will be much happier being yourself. i wore sunglasses in the store, and huge different colored ankle socks all around town the other day, and atleast 50 people gave me weird looks. i just felt so proud of myself. i was embarrassed at first, when i saw a kid from school, but i got over that. he was actually really glad that somebody doesn't care for once about how other people will respond. oh, and don't be afraid to voice what youre feeling. if somebody says something that makes you mad, or uncomfortable, speak up! you will (in most cases) get a good response. good luck. it's a fun age.
  • Parents aren't stupid after all, they are trying to keep you from making the mistakes they made! Learn to love yourself and don't take any shit Be strong and don't allow peer pressure to make you do things you know deep down you shouldn't do. It's not worth it! Don't be in a hurry for sex! It's much better when you're older. Any guy who pressures you for sex is only out for sex, don't give in! Treat people the way you want to be treated!
  • Hormones make people do things they'll regret later. If the popular people weren't popular, they'd be nobodies. Its all a very elaborate play for attention, and it doesn't stope when you graduate. Your moms is important. If everytime some guy and you hang out and you drink, do drugs, or otherwise get impaired, he's not that into you.
  • 1 Whatever Your Problem is, Its Not as Bad as You Think 2 People Who Say/Do Mean Things to You Usualy Do Them For Reasons Unrelated to You. Don't Take It Personaly 3 Your Parents Aren't Monsters (And If They Are, It's Not Your Fault) 4 Go To School 5 The World Is Just Awesome 6 Boys Make Good Friends 7 Confidence Trumps Makeup Any Day 8 If You Need A New I-Pod to Hang Out With Them, They're Not Your Friends 9 Nothing Moves Faster Than A Secret At A Middle/High School 10 If It Dosen't Work, Try Something Else
  • Invest and save your money! make sure it feels really right before sex and if they dont wanna hear it punch them in the nuts! Do good in school i regret not doing that!
  • Pay yourself first. When you get your first job, and your have your first bills, pay yourself as if you owed yourself money. 10% of your pay is reasonable. If you want something and it will mean you lose paying yourself, don't get it. Never buy more than you can pay. Your credit is the most important thing when it comes to your financial freedom. Never live with a man until you know you can fully support yourself without anyone. Open a savings account as soon as you are able. Put money in it everytime you have the money to put there. That way, when it is time to buy something like a house you won't have to worry about the downpayment. Or if something happens to you and you can not work. Or if the car breaks down and you are living pay check to paycheck, paying yourself first, you have the money to get the car fixed.
  • Always try to treat people the way that you want to be treated even if they dont treat you like that back try aswering them with respect it will make you feel better about yourself.
  • don't ever try to act or be like someone eles be yourself.. then your true friends will come along
  • BE SMART thats my answer to u live your life have fun but dont let anyone take advantage of you and dont trust anyone . Dont be fake be your self people well like you more and respect you more. and this tip is the most important one wen your in your teens age all u wanna do is have a boyfriend and go on dates and stuff but trust me its not fun as much as u hear it is its hell dont date untile ur 100% sure ur ready to go in that world and dont do somthing just becouse the others are doing it,do wat u think its right and wat u think its rong is rong. :D gd luck :)
  • Life is about to hit you where it hurts without warning, accept it and try to move on. But don't build up an emotional wall to prevent it, you'll only make things worse. No one after high school will care if you're a virgin or not, no one. Being cool really isn't what it's cracked up to be, most of the 'cool' kids that I knew from back then are either depressed or dead or have the responsibility of kids by themselves. Not all boys/men just want sex, there are a few of us out there that are actually interested in you as a person. But, at that age (teens), most guys are all about sex/making out and some of them are Very good at faking being the type that are actually interested. These are the best years of your life, don't waste them on stimulants (ie drugs, alcohol etc). Know that in this part of the world, All people are equal, no matter what. School sucks. It's much worse than working, but not if you fark up your schooling, then working will actually be worse than school! No matter how you look, no matter how you act, someone will hate you beyond your expectations. Don't let it bug you, they're either jealous or a jerk. Always think for yourself, your friends will be wrong from time to time, just like you. Get a bigger vocabulary. It makes you look smarter than you really are, and eventually, will make you much smarter as you can understand just what the heck intelligent people are talking about. Learn to use humor as a tool to mediate arguments and to deflect insults. Violence only makes you feel better for a few minutes, then it bites you in the arse. If someone requires you to do something for them in order for them to like you, then they won't ever like you, they'll just enjoy you and your services, sexual or not. And finally, the one BIG thing that I wish that I had known at that age is... Movies are not at all like real life. People don't act like that ever, nor do they say those sort of things. Nor do they respond the same way as people do in films/books. Know that they are like this, because people like it that way, that's all. BTW, good going for having the foresight to ask such a question. :)
  • There so many things that can be said, but I think it is important to leave kids room to make some mistakes and learn and grow from them. I don't believe life is an equation or a recipe, we each find our own paths. I'll say just a couple of things. (1) Read about safe sex and pregnancy prevention. If you're old enough to get pregnant, you are old enough to learn how to prevent it. Even if you're not interested in sex right now. You can go in the Internet, or library, or talk to trusted adult(s). Believe me, there are many methods, and much to be learned. (2) Try to develop your own independent ideas, do not always give in to peer pressure. (3) The more you watch TV or do video games, the less of a life you're having. Read, write, sing, play a sport, talk with friends, paint, collect, develop a hobby... anything is better that sitting in front of the tube. (4)Do not let the complexities of relationships, growing up and the like (which will be mounting) take away the enjoyment of life. Whenever things seem impossible, forget everything, it's not as important as you see it. Retract from daily battles and laugh at yourself. Open doors within you, develop interest in whatever, build your own "Narnia's" where to find refuge. (5) Casual friends, especially the "popular" ones, come and go, but a good friend might last a life time, don't abandon him/her. ...and remember, life is not a recipe, there are many ways to live, no matter what anyone says. Enjoy!
  • i wish i would have known that breaking up with your high school boyfriend isnt the end of the world. i spent way to much time crying over a guy that wasnt worth it. big waste of my time. LIVE IT UP WHILE YOU CAN!
  • i wish i would have known that you dont have to work hard to be with the popular kids at school just stick with your true friends who like you for you all the best louise
  • will im an 16 years old girl and i am in the 11th grade so my advice to you is when you go to high school be careful who you choose as your friends and also dont fall for no boy its ok to have an boyfirend but dont have sex stay as an virgin and kids might even pressure you but please dont its not worth it trust me i know because i've messed my life up with a boy and now im 15weeks pregnant and i dont wish nobody to go threw the things im going threw now so my advice to you is do good in school be good and dont think your in love so fast or think he love you cause all that changes when they get what they want from you
  • I wish I had been more cheerful. I would have been better liked if I hadn't been such a grump! I wish I made better grades, because it did matter. I'm glad I didn't have sex until I was in my 20's. I wish I had gone to my prom.
  • I would say, listen to the old and wise,cause they have been there, done that and bought the T-shirt. You can avoid MOST mistakes in life by watching people that don't listen, chooses to live and learn and doesn't believe in the difference between right or wrong. Those people will make them for you and by their actions show you how to avoid certain circumstances or by the very least show you what NOT to do. Don't be afraid to stand alone for doing the right thing, because one day you will. Find a mentor with a positive/clean reputation, not JUST someone you think is cool. Stay meek, serve those who have less than you and control your tongue. All with a smile. :o) Do this and you will not just find tremendous success but the secret of life itself. :o) I followed this advise very young and now at 33 (as of today) I am happily married 2 kids with 2 cars and 4 homes, debt free and a new PC company that (I think) is the biggest in my city that is growing by leaps and bounds. I'm not saying this to brag but to confirm that it is sound advice. Good luck!
  • Get responsible with your money. Even your allowance, start saving 75%. Trust me, once you start it is easy and youll be glad you did one day.
  • Be yourself. I've wasted a lot of years trying to be something I'm not and it doesn't work out. If you're good at something, don't be afraid to show it. It can help you out a lot. when you're in high school, and there's things that you want to try out [marching band, sports, debate, drama, a language club] Just try them. even if your friends won't. Because sometimes, you can lean things about yourself and about what you like. But never, ever overstres yourself. Realize you can't do everything and ask for help when you need it. Stress leads to health problems and unhappiness. And that just isn't cool. And don't crack your knuckles. I got diagnoses w/ arthritis at 15, specifically in my finger joints. I can't blame it entirely on cracking them, due to the fact that it's partly genetic- but the early onset wasn't.

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