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  • Not to sure what swab test is, I'm guessing it's a drug test. If so, here's the deal If you're talking about pot, it takes a month to get out of your system... yes, a month. The fact that you've smoked a lot for the last couple years, doesn't matter. it's all out of your system in a month. You should have waited three weeks before getting tested. There's a few ways to avoid it, but not sure if it'll work so soon. Sauna, sauna, sauna! Sweat it out through your pores! Run, jump, anything to sweat. Bake yourself at night, use extra covers. That's the only way to get ride of it, and I doubt it will even help if you've only got a week left. Hope it works!
  • the answer above is actually very incorrect, and it shows how little people research things before spouting off the same stoner-logic theyve heard from all their friends. i smoke a lot, but i also can back my shit up with facts: the CHEEK SWAB TEST does not use urine, so unless he is pissing in his mouth, the cheek cells should be replaced within 2-3 days, giving him a clean test. the swab test is used to detect RECENT drug use, NOT HISTORICAL-... the test will only come back positive if he smokes within a day or two of the test. cheek cells are rapidly replaced cells in the mouth, NOT the urinary tract. sweating does NOTHING to alter your cheek cells-... so hopefully he did not listen to the answer above, as he wouldve been in a lot of discomfort over the week. ALSO: if he IS a chronic (frequent) smoker, the THC may remain in his system in excess of a month. there is no time table you were looking at when you said a month... it depends on how he lives his life. does he brush his teeth? floss? mouth-wash? if not, hes screwed (possibly)... but only if he hasnt swallowed his saliva in the week before the test, letting it reside in his mouth. if youd like a little more backing:
  • I am on parloe for 23 months and for the last 10 months I have been tested over 8 times. The frist one was hot since I did not try to clean my system. He (my P.O.)called me about 3-4 days later and said that I did not pass. The next time about 5 weeks later he tested me again.Before the test i brushed my mouth out for 5 minutes with just toothpaste. Then i took Peroxdixe and garugale for five minutes before the test. I spit it out right before walking in to his office. This way has been working for the last 8 months. The swab test does not mearsure the levels of T.H.C just the presents of the chemical. Useing the H2O2 kills all of the bactia in your mouth. Helping you pass the test. And yes they sent it to a lab and they can't even find a hint that you have T.H.C in your system
  • THC only stays in your saliva about 36 hours after you use. So if you can abstain for a few days you should be able to pass on your own. If not, I know that Clear choice has a very effective gum that you take right before your test. It works in like 30 seconds and lasts for about half an hour. Check them out at Hope this helps!
  • dont know my friend
  • if your clean for 72 hours the levels are gone . i know this one
  • i been smoking everyday for a few months now and i smoked wednesday night at 10pm and had a swab test today (Friday, August 21,2009) @ 11:00am.. i had a swab test and i brushed my teeth atleast 10-15 times and mouthwashed around 5-6 times then rinsed with peroxide about 5-6 times.. do you think i could still fail?

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