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  • Well changing positions will allow your legs a break, so just change it around every so often. That saved me.
  • Do it more often and and build your leg up.Practice makes perfect sence for that.
  • just like any vigorus exercise, maybe you should stretch first
  • well for me my legs get tired so easily, so just go slow like your teasing him, and then when you feel u got energy then speed it up a litle, just switch it up from time to time, and if you lay completly on him and kiss him it tends to lift the heavyness off the heels of your feet and gives you a lot more energy to move, good luck to you!
  • Take up horseback riding. Cowgirls almost always have strong legs and awesome stamina !! You really develop muscles you don't even realize you have from riding horses.
  • stretch.
  • this question made me giggle!!! your obviously out of shape. its simple, keep on riding him, your legs will get used to it!
  • Request he undergo enlargement so that your knees do not touch the floor.
  • lol i dont know why this question made me laugh. Make him go on top for a change. Do some leg exercises (beding both knees whilst standing) to strengthen the muscles.
  • Haha, what a great question! The answer is- strengthen your legs. Anyway you choose, (cycling, dancing, running, walking) there's lots of ways to exercise your legs as I'm sure you know, which will in turn increase youre stamina aswell. Come back later with 'What to do about friction burns on the top of your feet?'. I don't know the answer to this one yet, I think there's a possibility my feet are going to be scarred for life.
  • I am a guy who likes women. I want to teach my girl friend to do it on the top better. I have a couple of questions, if you don't mind. How should she put her legs to make her more comfortable? She also has leg pains. help. bigsky
  • Do you enjoy the top position more? What is the difference in the way you enjoy this? Is your hot spot get more feeling? bigsky

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