• According to the they say 1,228 billion, or 51 of the total federal budget: This is a somewhat biased site, so I would suggest you might want to do more research.
  • From The US Department of Defense has submitted its FY 2007 budget request for $439.3 billion. This is 7% more than the FY 2006 request, but slightly less than the $441.5 billion eventually appropriated by Congress in the FY 2006 budget. ---- This is TOTAL defense budget. Not just the Army's budget. This would include pay, benefits, housing, transportation, insurances, social benefits, equipment, gear, and the actual war-fighting expenses. This is during a time of war. In 1999 it was aproximately $276.76 billion. If you have an understanding how how government spending works and how government contracts are issued, these numbers don't seem as astronomical. A HUGE portion of this money, essentially, goes BACK in to the U.S. economy to both small and large businesses. The original question asked about the U.S. Army. The U.S. has four branches of service. The above numbers are total Department of Defense numbers. It is also important to illustrate (for comparison sake) that we are not just spending more, we are, quite simply, bigger. The question compares the U.S. to Canada. In 2005, the U.S. had 1,426,713 personnel on active duty and an additional 1,259,000 personnel in the reserves. In 2005, Canada had 64,000 active duty and 27,500 ready reservists. Lastly, the figures sited in the question are incorrect - the anticipated budget for the Canadian military for 2007/2008 is between 16 and 17 BILLION (Canadaian). Not 20 million. I am not sure about my math, but if I have calculated correctly, given the difference in the size of the two militarys, Canada spends about 86% of what the U.S. spends (if the two were the same size). Just another way to illustarate that while the U.S. numbers look HUGE, it is largely because the U.S. has a much bigger military. (Not justifying or saying one way or the other is better or right, just running the numbers!!!)

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