• Nothing. It is up to them if they want to take my advice or anyone else's for that matter.
  • Get a bit offended but just give a smug smile if i'm right.
  • I think to myself, "They are gonna regret not taking that advice." Then I try to be there for them when disaster strikes without saying, "I told you so."
  • I'll say,, "you'll worry some day" and I will go.
  • I am reminded of the old proverb: You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think.....
  • Well thats just what it is..advise. They don't want it then you sleep good knowing you did the best you could.
  • Have compassion, sometimes people just need to talk about what's going on. They most always have to learn by doing on their own. It is frustrating though.
  • I just tell them how I feel and let them decide - Otherwise I'd go stir crazy - Only thing you really can do -- Just be there when they fall and help them back up
  • Realise it may not be what they need right now and hope things change, or maybe I was way off as offering it in the first place.
  • Well, you could always say "Told you so!" when the time comes, or be a friend and listen as they cry on your shoulder wondering why they did not listen to your advice!
  • I just shrug my shoulders and move on. And if it blows up in their face I provide the shoulder to cry on.
  • tell them that you really really would like to help them out and you are trying your best to but if they dont take your advice then your not able to help. Let them know that your there for them no matter what but you would like them to trust you more if they are going to ask for advice.
  • tell them that you really really would like to help them out and you are trying your best to but if they dont take your advice then your not able to help. Let them know that your there for them no matter what but you would like them to trust you more if they are going to ask for advice.
  • i don t take it personal when i give advice and the other person decides not to take it.people in love especially, who almost need a miracle to make things work, will still hold out as long as they can,hoping for a miracle.
  • I think it's ironic.
  • You can't live your friends lives for them. Also you can't always stop them from taking advice that would prevent them from making mistakes. Sometimes your friends need to experience a fall in order to know what not to do next time. Just be there for your friend, support them regardless (unless you know they're going to be committing a serious crime and in which case you may want to reconsider the company you keep) and prepare yourself to do more listening than talking. If your friend feels secure in their friendship with you, they'll be more prepared to talk and when you can find a way to help they'll hopefully be open to your ideas. Don't try and force your friend to change. Also, remember that whilst they may be a good or even close friend there's things about them that you don't know so unless they've been completely open and honest about their situation, it's unwise to advise them on what to do as you may not know all the details. There's also a chance that if your friend comes to you to talk that they don't want solutions. I'm like that - sometimes I just want to vent about my problems and then go on my way - it helps me unload about life and plus my friends tend to find my little dramas quite entertaining (like watching desparate housewives - is how one friend put it). Stay confident in the knowledge that you're considered a good friend to someone and simply be there for them.
  • I just be there for them when they figure it out themselves. You can't make people listen, but you can listen when they don't. Would never say, told ya so..thats adding insult to injury..just offer a shoulder ear or hug..:)
  • Nothing. I am just blessed that I have a freind that can count on me.
  • warn them not to say i didn't warn them. warn is a funny word.
  • It's advice. My dentist says I should brush my teeth after every meal, but come on, who does that?!
  • Sometimes I guess friends don't want advice from friends they may just need you to listen. They probably didn't even hear your advice. As the friend that you are all you can do is be there when they need you. As a matter of fact when I ask for advice it doesn't mean I'll take it, it just means I'd like to hear another point of view.
  • Nothing. I have to respect their judgement. If they've approached me for advice (and I'm sure I won't be their only source), I understand that they will be considering all advice before choosing a course of action/inaction. It's entirely up to them what they do with my advice. They're under no obligation to take it.
  • theyll learn soon enough. Ill sit back and watch thinking i told you so but when they come to me crying or hacked off ill have compassion.
  • I feel that it's up to that person to realize that he/she was wrong.
  • Not much you can do, we all learn by our own mistakes and thats life! You can only do your best and be there for them if things go pear shaped!
  • Take note. First off, I try to avoid advice-giving when not specifically asked. If I'm gonna get in a twist if they don't take it, that's my problem. It's not an edict, after all.
  • Nothing. You've done all you can do. You can lead the horse to water but you can't make it drink. Unfortunately, even if you've given then PERFECT advice, they don't have to take it. It's frustrating, angering and can be sad and depressing too. But unfortunately they have to be in charge of their own decisions. No matter how heartbreaking it actually is.
  • I ask them not to complain of this problem any more, if they didn` t take my advice.
  • *Shrug* And know that I have done my best to help.
  • You don't do anything. Advice is like a balloon you set free. Someone will grab it or they won't.
  • I'm all about Hallmark-like analogies... ;)
  • Nothing. Just hope it gets stored in the back of their mind. Some advice can be used for different cases. They'll just use it some other time. Whether they believe they came up with their own advice or used what I gave them, doesn't matter. As long as it helps.
  • it's really upto to the person if they would want to take your advice. what you can do is just be a friend and if that person asks you again then just tell him or her what you think.that's it!
  • I try not to give anyone advice not unless I am directly asked. And if I directly asked by the person who is requesting my advice I ask them questions like what do u think u should do, or how do u feel about it. Because people do what they want anyway... and they will not feel like they are dissappointing me by not following my advice. What ever they decide is their choice and what they want.
  • i will explain as far as i can.if they don't take it,then i will leave with their own choice......... coz if he/she is really a much better friend,sure he will agree to ? i say..........
  • It's like a gift you give them. What they do with it is up to them. If they want to put it up in the attic or keep's out of your hands.
  • Nothing. Survival of the fittest.
  • People have a right to live their life as they choose. So I do my best to not be upset if someone doesn't take advice. However I refuse to listen to someone constantly complain about a problem but refuse to do anything about it. They certainly don't have to take my suggestion but if they aren't willing to try any solutions than I don't want to hear it.
  • Nothing--it's their decision and if they chose to not take the advice I gave them, that's ok. Offering advice doesn't mean that someone has to use or accept it.
  • Having compassion and understanding is key importance. Howerver, in my situation, all I ever did was give advice. That was all she wanted. She loved hearing it over and over again. She NEVER took it. Sometimes, she even took offense, even though I said the exact same thing before. But, it wore me out saying it over and over again. In the end, I was expected to pick up the pieces and shame on me when if there was a time I had to look out for myself first. for twelve years she was hurt by the same guy different name every time it got worse. Not only was it draining me but I couldn't watch it any more. She my best friend I still love her, but I could not watch it anymore. I had to walk away and it was not easy. But if this is not the a similar situation for you, they are at free will and they can do what they want. Just because they want your advice, it does not mean they have to take it.
  • shut up, sit back and wait for them to come crying about how they messed up. then is the key part of being a friend, you let them cry on you and NEVER, EVER say I told you so.
  • Kick ther arse.
  • Well then you cna say u've tried. Maybe they will take it, later. When they try thigns out for themselves and if they dn't work he/she will take your advice, but at least you tried right?
  • support them in the decision they do make, i may give advice but they dont have to take it.:)
  • Drop it and move on.
  • Suppport them in what they have decided to do, and refrain from telling them "I told you so" if the option they choose dosn't work out.
  • I drop it and wait. They will finally come back to me and say "You were right!".
  • Nothing. I can give advice all I want, no one has to take it.
  • I stop giving advice and just let them bitch about there problems, and when they ask me well do you have anything to say i say no, you aint gonna listen to me anyways so do what you want. I tell them i will always be here to listen but i no longer have anymore input for you.
  • it's their prerogative. Advice is to be taken or left. Does not bother me one bit. The one exception for me is if I have a friend who comes to me with the exact same issue, I tell them the same thing, they do the opposite and then start boohooing about it. Then I tell them not to bring me their whining again.
  • Well if it was that they told me that they didn't want to take it or if they weren't going to take it. I wouldn't blame them, all I can do is offer my help, if they don't want it or choose to disregard it, then there's nothing more I can do, apart from stay a good friend by helping them if they need it, and being a compassionate, caring, patient, non-judgmental friend. That's what I like to do and what I do quite well (I've been told) as a friend. Hope I helped :)
  • I don't usually take my own advice, so it doesn't bother me if my friends don't ~ lol :)
  • That happens often...I just feel like I offered them something that will help them and it's their loss. But it really feels good when they take heed and tell you about the accomplishments from your advice.
  • Nothing. You can give a person a tool but if they choose not to use it there is little you can do.
  • I don't give advice unless asked. If you offer it up the other person may not be ready to hear what you say.If they ask for it and then don't take it - well, it's their life.
  • shrug my shoulders and fix myself a sandwich. I spoke my peace. I dont get in anyones business unless there business conflicts with my own.
  • Let that fool go to hell!
  • Wait till they screw up so I can say "I told you so."
  • I just walk out!!!
  • You can only give advice you can't make them take it.
  • Funny story, once I went into a chinese restaurant and the fortune cookie fortune read, "advice is often given, but seldom taken." when I went back 6mos. later I got the same exact fortune.
  • Give them a chance 1,2,3, and let them to get some experience from that and leave them alone and learn by the mistakes themself and suffer whatever they do and did. Then they'll realize that what they have done?
  • people very rarely give me advice instead they try to minipuelate me
  • let them deal with the consequences of doing something wrong, hope they listen to me next time...
  • Let it go. It was their choice to not take my advice and I can't change that.

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