Flower garden. I can enjoy the flowers inside and out. Food I can buy at the store. The atmosphere of flowers around my home is much different and calming and also can be a nice hobby. Good question eddie
Flowers, I think, but that's really a tough one for me. I say flowers because I love the butterflies that come with it.
A Flower garder . I adore growing scented flowers.Old roses Jasmine, Stocks , Night scented stocks. Gladioli ( not too much scent. My faVourites are Lilies and Freesias for scent. I like to grow vegetables too but at the moment make do with a greenhouse with Tomatoes ,Cucumbers and Peppers and Beans against one of the garden walls they are flowering so look nice
Veges all day baby!
A vegetable garden, because first it flowers, and then you can eat the veggies!
I plant lots of flowers. I love them. I plant to attract specific birds and insects. Vegetable gardens are wonderful. I've had them in the past. They do require more work and care than a standard flower garden. For that reason, I prefer a flower garden. But hey, you can't beat the taste of fresh homegrown vegetables.
Flowers for sure, but that is because I only eat veggies of there are a few on top of my pizza. Other than that I stay away from veggies.
Vegetable! It prodces enough to live off of all summer! AND then you can always freeze and can when there is a surplus to last you some of the winter!
I would say a vegetable garden for one can grow their own vegetables with the assurance of having food that is organic.
Flowers, I've never had much luck with veggies. Here are some of my flowers.
I myself can't choose..I plant both. Flowers because of their beauty and lovely scents. My practical side MAKES me plant a vegetable garden to save money.
I have grown great roses. I prefer vegetables, but I don't have the right amount of space.
a flower garden...i dont think i would have much luck with the veggies!!!
- i the only one here opting for the vegetables......i especially love the tomato plant
Vegetable garden. I am not big on flowers. They are pretty and everything, but all you can do is look at them and smell them. I get more satisfaction out of growing things I can cook and eat.
I would have a flower garden. Flowers are food for the soul.
I love working with edible plants. They have great color and stamina, they also can have flowers and different colored leaves. I love the challenge in staying organic and getting them to produce quickly and trying to get them to produce again. When the seeds come out of the ground, I can already plan the meals and smell the dishes I'll make. I love sharing my produce with others and who's to say I can't plant flowers amongst the veggies? I eat them, too! Then the is the prospect of preserving the harvest be it canned or dried or frozen, all reminding us of the garden's bounty. And then I can't wait for next year!!!
Both Because I have the room and time for both.
I said in my introduction in my Master Gardener class that "My dad didn't grow anything he couldn't eat". I've been close to that, but I do like to grow some flowers, especially perennials and sunflowers and zennias. Still am basically a vegetable gardener, esp. tomatoes, peppers, beans, cucumbers, mellons and scallop squash.
Actually, I would like both, since I actually have both. I love flowers, they just add something to the yard. I also have a big garden full of vegetables. There is just something about going out and picking your on straight out the garden and eating it right then and there. I just love it. Here's some pics from my yard!
vegetable garden
I would rather have a vegetable garden. That way I could eat my creations.
well iv got them both. life too short to sacrifice something so easy too do. cant have a garden without any flowers, that would be so boring. go on, have em both.
Vegetable garden. Vegetable plants produce flowers and food. You have the benefits that come from flowers, plus the benefits of vegetables.
Vegetable garden coz I love veggies. (--,)
I enjoy both, my flowers all come back each year so they require very little work while I am spring planting the vegetables. Nothing beats fresh veggies.
I hate to cop out but I say both, companion gardening is the way to go! No, if Fido kneels over don't put him in the veggies, that means planting flowers within veggies which are natural pest repellents and soil enrichers. Marigols are especially good with most veggies :) OK, ok, if I had to pick it'd be a vegetable garden. Why? Fresh food, yummy yummy, plus you do get flowers and great foliage. Have you seen Rainbow Chard? Beautiful!
vegetable without a doubt. nothing better than fresh veggies.
vegetable, you can eat your crop. But I plant 60/40 vegetable to flowers. So I can have colors in my life.
Flowers. I have a tiny yard and live in a cold area, so vegetable yields tend to be laughable. Like... a summer of tending to your carrot patch to make three pots of boiled carrots come fall. :P Flowers, on the other hand, give me two or three months of colour and artistic expression.
Vegetable garden. I love to eat;)
Flowers > veggies and health
Vegetable garden
Why not have both :) If you like flowers plant a few veg in between. If you like veg then some flowers make great companion planting.
I have Flowers and landscapeing around the house---then a have a lil Veggy garden--about 2.2 acres worth
If I had to choose it would be a vegetable garden, but the choice I want is to have both. I love to cook what I've grown, but a nice garden party is so nice.
a flower garden. i think i'd suck at growing both...
Can I have a mix? And someone to take care of it? I kill all plants. :(
Vegetable because you get to enjoy the fruits of your labours so it makes all the weeding worth it.
well u might want a vegetable garden cause than u can have s.e.x. with them (exaple: carrots q-cumber an more pointy things)
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