• Fund my movies. Fund a Parkinson's institute. Travel the world to do ambassador work. Pay my mom back.
  • pay off all debt take a long vacation with my husband and 2 kids put a down-payment on an inexpensive but nicer home for my parents buy a fun car.
  • make sure my kids are set up for the future.
  • buy a nice house and go on a few holidays.
  • I would pay off my house, mom & dads house, and the in-laws house. Get out of the military and move to my home town. Then bank the rest and enjoy the next 11 years watching my kids grow up.
  • I would pay off my mortgage and the mortgage of a couple of my friends ... Then; I buy myself a NICE Black SUV with all the bells and whistles ... I'd donate $$$ to the local childrens home .... The rest would go into a Bond fund and I'd just collect the interest.
  • Do a world tour of Gentlemen's Clubs!! Then afterwards move to Utah and marry as many dancers as possible.
  • My gf and I had this very discussion today and you know I figured after paying taxes on it the remaining $600,000 really isn't that much money, heck even a million isn't really that much money nowdays. I definitely wouldn't be able to quit my job or anything so I'd probably just sit on it, let it earn interest for awhile and work on retiring a few years earlier than a planned.
  • Pay my mortgage, buy a bunch of smiles from The Smile Train, and retire.
  • Pay my loan off my apartment for my parents, and buy something really beautiful for my parents house =)
  • Finally pay back some of the money that my mother has loaned me throughout my life!
  • pay off my future ex's debts go to college finance a friends bakery as an investment.
  • I would give a large portion of it to PanCan, and WWF.
  • I'd payoff all my bills with half, invest half and give the other half away.
  • Travel around the world to as many places as I could. And maybe take a close beautiful friend with me or two that I have in mind.
  • Escorts.
  • Pay off our debts, put the house up for sale, and move out of this country. Probably to Canada, maybe to the UK. Not entirely sure yet.
  • Home improvements!
  • put it into high rate savings account so that I don't run out of this money. Then live off interest which my mum has worked out to be £50,000 a year. Nice :)
  • 10% to the Lord Pay off my house, car and other debts. Help family members who are hurting. Put the remainder in the bank
  • First off, we'd give our two daughters about 100k each, under the stipulation that it's a down payment on a house. Then my wife and I would put the rest in the bank and travel the world for a while. When we got back, we'd decide where to buy a house and work on that. Then the rest is incident (new car, boat, furniture, etc).
  • Buy a 6th of a decent house in my neighbourhood ............. or not.
  • pay off our loan debts, then maybe buy a house.
  • Buy my ex out of my life and NEVER see or speak to him again. Own my home, fix it up professionally and finish school and just be happy apart from all his bullshit and drama... For once!
  • ...I would buy a huge plot of land, and a nice little house for mom n pops with a giant garage for dad...and a new 4wheeler for him. And new furinature for mom. Then pay off all my debt. and then put the rest of the $$$ in a savings accounts for the wee ones.
  • Pay off all my bills and pay for my daughters College and buy a new house and give some to charity since i dont go to church right now and put the rest in saving and try to live off the intrest .
  • Buy my mother and brothers a house so they don't have to worry about rent ever again. I would buy myself a home as well, the rest will go towards bills and then the remaining amount put into banks to draw interest!
  • I would keep as much of it as needed to buy a house, a new car, and have lots of money saved up. Then I would donate the rest of it to a reputable children's charity and people who look out for the well being of animals.
  • Its so nice that everyone is practical, I don't feel as silly now. I'd pay off my mortgage, and keep the house to rent out. I'd pay off my Mum's mortgage. Learn to drive and buy a car. Go on a holiday. Buy me a nice house and do it up just like I want it, and use most of the rest to set up my dream business. The tiny bit left I'd blow, cos I've been skint for a LONG time now
  • get it coverted to £ fist lol buy on thing 4 around £1,000 pounds and put the rest in the bank so i can live slightly more luxuriously 4 the rest of my life or at least a period of it
  • Naturally, I'll use it to make peace in our world. :-) you might be thinking I'm crazy but that is what I've been planning and doing for about 3yrs straight.
  • invest it and turn it into 100,000,000
  • as a family get the house decorated. go on holiday. buy a flash car. give some to charity. get some technology, eg xbox, ipod etc. gfget a home abroad.
  • Pay my debts. Pay my kids' debts. Pay my Mom's debts. Buy a house. Buy a car. Make a few donations. Invest the rest for retirement.
  • Erase the spam mail.
  • I'd help my loved ones out first and foremost. Then I'd put some away for retirement and then play.
  • First of all, I would help my family with money issues, get rid of my bills, and put the rest in investments and savings.
  • I'd pay off my parents and siblings bills. Take a trip to Scottland. Donate a good portion to the aspca. Build a cabin on my land.
  • Immigrate to Australia - in a heartbeat.
  • In this day and age,1 Million Dollars won't last you very long, if you just spend, spend, spend. The wise thing to do is to invest most of it. I would get a slightly larger house, nothing huge and fancy. Maybe a new car or a pickup and that would be it. Then live comfortable on the invested portion. Of course if Obama's around, there won't be much to invest any how.
  • Keep a small amount for a "rainy day"; the rest to my family because they need it more than I.
  • spend about half of it on whores and liquor and waste the rest of it.
  • I will keep money in the bank first and then I would take my time to think through how to invest the money.
  • I would buy everything i wanted then i would donate some to charity. Then i would put the rest in the bank
  • The most sensible thing to do with that quantity of money is to put it in a good bank and live off the interest.Keep clear of stocks and shares because in the present financial climate there is a very good chance that you will lose your investments.With that kind of money I am sure a bank manager would snap your hand off and would give you approximately 5% interest per annum and maybe more.
  • Pay off my morgage...then eract a high fence around my home.
  • Pay off my student debt, Pay off my parents' mortgage, Take my sister for a tour of South Africa, Buy a relatively cheap apartment, Use it to live on while I do a Phd, Whatever is left after that I will donate to school building, child soldier or refugee projects, and then put the rest in savings for my future children.
  • Hm. Won 1Million. 50% I would like to give to the govt for taking such good care of me. About 40% I would give to my parents to eliminate almost all their loans. The rest 10% I would keep for myself and try out the different things I want to furnish my apartment better, get some credit cards paid off, taking flying lessons, investing. 1 Million is nothing. It would help a lot...but won't last.
  • Pay off bills, get a new car, a house, go to the doctor for all of the things I can't afford to go for now, give some to my parents and my boyfriend's parents, and put the rest in the bank.
  • My mom, my daughter and my brother would share in the wealth and I'd keep some for moi.
  • I would take my mother somewhere she has always wanted to go, but could never afford it. Then I would buy a bigger house, but not too big and showyoffy. I would then help someone who wanted to be helped, get out of any shit hole they are in, as long as they diverse it. The rest would go in the bank
  • I would pay off the motgage, car and student loans, put a large chunk in the kid's RESP and invest most of the rest. Why? Because you (well, I) can't retire on One million and I'd like to use to to lower my monthly costs so that I have more financial freedom.
  • Spend it! Why? Because its mine.

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