• Being the hardest substance known, diamonds are also used in cutting tools of various types from saws to drill bits. They are also used as abrasives and to polish other hard substances. (When I was a graduate student I used diamond powder on some of the polishing wheels that I use on various rock samples.) As a matter of fact, the vast majority of diamonds are used for industrial purposes rather than as gem stones. The majority of diamonds that are dug out of the ground are not even gem quality. However, I think that most industrial diamonds are grown in laboratories rather than mined these days. [Edit] I just thought of another use for diamonds. They are also used for high temperature and pressure research using something call a diamond anvil. You can take a small sample of some substance and squeeze it between two diamonds to produce very high pressures. Lasers can be shown through the diamonds to heat the sample to very high temperatures. In this way we can see how various material will behave under these conditions.

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