• When a person is no longer independent or able to be cared for in his home, alternative housing in a residential facility is a possible option. Residential care is a broad term covering everything from assisted living facilities to nursing homes.

    Assisted Living Level 1

    The type and number of services that an individual requires is used to decide a level of care. The level of care is then used to determine the rate that the resident will be charged for the facility's services. Assisted living level one means that the resident requires only a minimal amount of services.

    Assisted Living Services

    According to the Eldercare Locator, services offered by assisted living facilities may include: Transportation Meals Health monitoring Medication assistance Assistance with activities of daily living (bathing, dressing, grooming, etc.) Social activities Housekeeping Laundry

    Locations of Assisted Living Facilities

    Assisted living facilities can exist on their own or as part of a larger facility. Retirement communities and nursing homes often have assisted living housing and services available.


    Costs of assisted living facilities vary depending on the type of facility, the type of services required and the amount of services required. The National Clearinghouse for Long-Term Care Information explains that expenses are typically paid for by the individual or family. Insurance and financial assistance programs may cover some of the costs.


    Assisted living facilities, also known as ALFs, are regulated by the individual states. Standards vary from state to state. Specific information about the ALFs in your area is available at the Eldercare Locator website, the Administration on Aging and from your state ombudsman.


    Eldercare Locator

    Eldercare Locator: Assisted Living Fact Sheet

    National Clearinghouse for Long-Term Care Information

    More Information:

    National Clearinghouse for Long-Term Care Information

    Locating Local Resources

    Administration on Aging

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