• Donated cars are usually sold at auction. Occasionally, however, a donated car is kept by the charity and is used in its day-to-day business.


    Your donated car may be shipped to one of several locations. It may go to a local auctioneer, the charity headquarters or a mechanic for inspection and service. Depending on the car's condition, it may be repaired to increase its resale value.


    Car dealers or car recyclers often buy donated vehicles that are sold at a local auction.


    If a recycler buys a car, it will be dismantled and organized into its various components, such as metal and plastic. The parts will be shipped to recycling facilities.

    Other Uses

    A charity may also choose to keep a donated car for its own use, such as the transportation of clients or supplies or for business purposes.

    Donation Services

    A charity often works with a donation or towing service. Donation services are third-party contractors that typically arrange for the pickup of a vehicle at the donor's home. They may also arrange for the car to be serviced to maximize the amount a car may fetch at auction. It is important to remember that these are for-profit services, and some of the money collected from the resale of your car will go to them.


    Car Junky


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