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  • Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is a common sexually transmitted virus that can affect men as well as women. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most sexually active people in the United States will contract the virus at some point in their lives. Human papillomavirus may be prevented but not cured.


    The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) estimates that approximately 40 strains of HPV can infect the genital area of both men and women. Most men with HPV will not show any symptoms, but some types of HPV can cause genital warts. Some strains of the virus may cause cancer of the penis or anus.


    As of 2009, no test has been made available or been approved for the diagnosis of HPV in men. Genital warts are usually visible. Abnormalities like warts, ulcers or sores in the genital or anal areas may indicate penile or anal cancers.

    Genital Warts

    While no cure or treatment for HPV is available, the genital warts caused by certain strains can be treated with certain medications, such as imiquimod cream or trichloroacetic acid, or they may be surgically removed.


    Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are standard treatments used for penile and anal cancers caused by HPV. Talk to your doctor to determine the best treatment.

    Other Considerations

    Because HPV does not cause health problems in most men, the CDC suggests looking for diseases caused by HPV rather than looking for the virus itself. Genital warts from the virus will not turn into cancer, do not increase the chances of spreading HPV to a partner and may even disappear on their own, so some men leave them untreated.


    Condoms can lower your chances of passing HPV to a partner, but condom use may not offer full protection. The ACOG recommends limiting your number of sexual partners.


    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: "HPV and Men - CDC Fact Sheet"

    National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: "Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Genital Warts"

    ACOG: "Human Papillomavirus Infection"


    NIH MedlinePlus: HPV

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