• Whether an accident will raise one's insurance rates depends on a number of variables, including the severity of the accident; whether or not injury was involved; who was at fault; the frequency at which the parties are involved in car accidents; and the insurance company each party holds.

    Type Of Accident

    This is the most critical bit of information that determines if insurance rates go up. If you are not at fault, the likelihood is slim. If you are deemed at fault, however, the answer is almost always "yes." The only way an at-fault accident would not result in a rate increase is if you have an accident forgiveness or you have no previous at-fault accidents.


    If there are injuries due to a car accident, the at-fault party will incur an auto insurance increase since medical bills are so expensive and the injured party may have to go through years of therapy depending on severity.


    The frequency with which any party is involved in an accident will be a factor when determining premiums. Those who have too many accidents where they were at fault may have outrageous monthly premium--or they may not be able to get insurance at all. Even someone who is not at fault may suffer a rate hike if they have too many accidents within a given period of time.

    Rates Are Not Scientific

    There are no hard numbers to predict what exactly your premium will be. There are a variety of considerations such as age, how long you have had a drivers license, the state you live in, how long you have lived at your current address, education level, number of previous claims and many other factors that determine premiums.

    Shop Around

    The best thing to do when looking for automobile premiums to shop around. Regardless of your past history, there will be a variance in price with different companies. Ask about accident forgiveness and try to get with a company that offers it. Also, find out if there is surcharge per accident and, if so, how long it lasts. It varies from state to state but it is usually is three to five years.


    How much can your car insurance rates go up after one accident?

    Will an Accident or Ticket Increase My Car Insurance Rate?

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