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  • Boys and men who have an imbalance of estrogen and testosterone may develop gynecomastia, a swelling of the breast tissue. While gynecomastia does not usually cause medical problems, it can create psychological problems and embarrassment. Sometimes, gynecomastia will go away on its own when hormone levels naturally balance out. Treatment is available for patients who wish to reduce breast tissue.


    If you have gynecomastia, talk with your doctor about the possibility of drug treatment. The earlier you seek treatment, the more likely you are to have favorable results. According to Dr. Mark R. Allee, associate professor at the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, medical therapy is unlikely to help significantly once gynecomastia has regressed in the late fibrotic stage at 12 months or longer. Antiestrogen medications, such as Clomiphene, can help reduce breast size with few side effects or potential complications. Clomiphene can cause vision problems, rash and nausea in some patients. Tamoxifen is an estrogen antagonist used for patients who have recently developed gynecomastia. Your doctor will most likely recommend drug treatment before exploring the possibility of surgery.


    If your gynecomastia persists after drug treatment, your doctor may refer you to a surgeon to remove the breast tissue. Liposuction performed by a plastic surgeon will remove the fatty tissue around the breast gland, but not the breast gland itself. A mastectomy removes the actual breast gland tissue. Your surgeon will make small cuts to remove the gland tissue so that you are able to heal and recover more quickly. As with any surgical procedure, talk with your doctor or surgeon about the potential risks of surgery, including anesthesia risks. Most doctors will wait to perform surgery on younger individuals due to the likelihood that the condition will resolve itself over time.

    Other Considerations

    Gynecomastia can be caused or aggravated by several different medications. Talk with your doctor about any medications you are currently taking and any medications you have taken recently. Getting rid of your gynecomastia may be as simple as changing or stopping a certain medication if directed to do so by your doctor. Certain medications used to treat AIDS, ulcers, cancer, heart problems and depression may cause gynecomastia according to the Mayo Clinic. Avoid street drugs and alcohol. Alcohol, marijuana, heroin, amphetamines and anabolic steroids can all cause gynecomastia when abused. Some herbal products containing tea tree or lavender oils may cause gynecomastia as they simulate weak estrogen activity.


    Gynecomastia: Treatment and Medication

    Mayo Clinic: Gynecomastia

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