• The best way to treat your ear pain is largely dependent on what is causing it. Nothing can replace the advice of a trained medical professional, but understanding some common causes of and remedies for ear pain can help you make a better informed decision about how to gain relief.

    Infection-Related Pain

    If the pain is caused by an infection, the ultimate relief will come when the infection is gone. Some infections will go away on their own in a few days, but others may require antibiotics. If you are undergoing treatment for an ear infection, your doctor may prescribe pain-relieving drops or direct you to use over-the-counter drops designed to relieve ear pain. Additionally, laying a cold compress or ice pack against the affected ear may help relieve pain. You may be able to take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as Tylenol or Advil, but ask your doctor how much is safe to take or if there is a risk of interaction if you are on any other medications Instead of a cold cloth, use a dry heating pad for relief of ear pain related to otitis externa, or swimmer's ear infection. You should also consult your doctor about how to relieve pain caused by mastoiditis, infection of the bone behind the ear or an enlarged lymph node.

    Other Causes

    Sometimes, relieving the pain in your ear may be as simple as chewing a stick of gum. This is useful if the pain is caused by a rapid change in altitude, such as you might experience while driving through the mountains or while lifting off or landing in an airplane. If your pain is the result of a ruptured eardrum, a heating pad may lessen the pain. Your doctor may also prescribe a painkiller if the pain is severe enough. Inflammation of the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, can cause ear pain. If this is the case, take an anti-inflammatory painkiller and massage the joint to relieve your pain. For many earaches, resting upright instead of lying down can lessen your pain and discomfort. A chiropractic adjustment may also relieve ear pain in some circumstances. If you visit a chiropractor, ask him what he recommends for your specific case.

    Source: Ear Problems Earache: MedlinePlus Medical Encylopedia Ear Infection, Middle Ear: Treatments and Drugs

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