• Well; more than likely , the origional sentence would kick in on the assult charge PLUS he'd be charged and stand trial for Violation of probation .... I'd imagine that he'd be facing 1-3 years in an Illinois Prison .. +5
  • Most likely he would be flown back to IL on IL tax payers dollar. Go before a judge and be made to serve out the rest of sentence in jail. Possible other charges could be brought up for violating terms of parole.
  • high shaman, you. are. awesome. can i ask you further details. wouldja mind? like...flown back to IL...would he be handcuffed? certainly accompanied by some sorta law enforcement...who? from CA, or IL? are there "companies" who do just this sort of thing, or would the individual bringing him back be a gov't related person? so, in IL, into jail (a holding cell while atty found, yes?)...but if he hasta end up serving out the original sentence (and possibly more), it would be an IL state penitentiary, true? and so, would he more or less be serving time w/the general incarcerated population, i.e. offenders of all types? thank you for all your help!!! ddv

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