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  • Testing for a sexually transmitted disease doesn't have to be a frightening process. Understand the types of tests that are offered and how they are used to be in control of your health and to make informed decisions about what's right for you.


    A doctor can take cultures from sores to test for the herpes virus. Your doctor will perform a visual examination, followed by a swab test that will be sent to a laboratory for testing.

    Blood Tests

    Herpes blood tests do not actually test for the virus. Instead, the blood tests detect the presence of antibodies in the blood. Some tests distinguish between Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (usually oral) and Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (usually genital). The doctor can then assess the site of your infection.

    Waiting Period

    For a blood test, you should wait 12-16 weeks from the time of possible exposure to the herpes virus, to avoid false-negative test results. It takes a few months for the body's antibodies to develop in response to the herpes virus, so tests prior to this waiting period may not be accurate. A culture test should be taken within 48 hours from when the sores or other symptoms first appeared. Sores that have dried up will not be as accurate in testing for the virus.


    The University Health Center, University of Georgia: Genital Herpes

    University of Virginia Department of Student Health: Gynecology Clinic

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