• The one with that chick right?
  • The scene where Jack Nicholson uses an axe to smash through the bathroom door, and says "Hereeeeeee's Johnny!"
  • "Honey, I'm Home!", or possibly any scene with Shelly Duvall (she was horrible!)
  • wasn't it the screaming thing with shelley duvall, when she was looking though his journal...the whole all work no play thing?
  • The answer to this is off of wikipedia. Its the whole scene with Shelly Devall and Jack Nickelson. Wendy finds out Jack is going crazy when she finds out about the repeating lines Jack keeps repeating. The scene ends with Wendy hitting Jack in the head with a baseball bat. That is the long scene they had to do over and over again. (probably took 2 weeks to finish!)

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