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  • I don't. You cheat, you're out.
  • That varies from household to household. Just because we dont see it, doesnt mean Hillary hasnt snuck out herself.
  • I don't think that's true at all, it varies from person to person. Hilary CLinton might allow it, but she's not everywoman!
  • Not all women do let them get away with it, and some men tolerate their wives cheating on them as well. Neither policy is necessarily gender specific. But I do understand what you mean. I would say because of the general attitude in modern society of male dominance. No matter how far we've come in that arena, the general attitude is still present in the social contract. Many females are raised to accept that kind of thing from men. That kind of upbringing and attitude is not a good thing, but it *Is* present. And perhaps some women are more secure than men, and so don't see it as too big of a threat.
  • I think its because if a women gets angry she feels its her fault.perhaps for choosing the wrong man.She lives in denial just as hillary does.Women will rarely admit theve gone all wrong.they will just ignore the fact that they may be total buffoons
  • I let my ex wife get away with it twice and on the third time she actually threw me out because I said i would stay.
  • Without pointing fingers here - I see husbands getting away with cheating more because they put the food on the table while the moms stay at home and raise the kids. It's stupid but from what I have personally seen - the woman has no funds, no car and no sense to actually do for herself what she allows a man to do. As long as there are dependent women you will find a cheating husband - NOT all but most (just from what I have seen).
  • I haven't done any reasearch, so I can't say that women let it go more/less than men. But as far as Hillary is concerned, she only stayed with Bill for political reasons... actually, I think their whole marriage is for political reasons at this point. I'm sure there was something there once, but it's gone now. Being married improves her chances of election, and I think she knew that back then.
  • The truth is they don't. I have seen men who have been 'forgiven' but the women just manipulate the situation for as long as they can and he ends up leading a dogs life. If a man has an affair it's usually because he's not satisfied at home, and that is down to one person, the wife.If she is a frigid, cold little shrew esp. in the bedroom but to everybody else she appears 'lovely' she will get away with her deceit and she'll get all the sympathy.

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