maybe less clothes because of self plessure
nothing (brown suit)
I don't have special outfits just for me. LOL. I dress comfortably everyday. In or out of the house.
I know what I DON'T wear - as soon as I'm in the house I take off my bra. Then I change into my "schlep-arounds". In warm weather that means a long t-shirt and bare feet. In cold weather, a loose-fitting top with long sleeves, a pair of leggings, and warm socks.
Ripped jeans and a singlet hahaha
Usually sweats or a robe.
Comfortable clothes.
the least i can get by with +5
Mondays - Smoking jacket, red slippers. Tuesdays - gray suit, ascot. Wednesdays - brown suit, tie in Yale knot Thursdays - Tan suit, tie in Navy knot Fridays - Full tuxedo Saturdays - black suit, tie in Vermont knot Sunday - casual, usually suit without tie.
stretchy spaghetti strap and bike shorts Its practically my uniform when I'm at home
T-shirt, sweat pants.
A really big fig leaf.
Typically I wear my birthday suit. :D
It depends on what mood I'm in --- I have a collection of 'retro blouses & tops,' very feminine, & often couple them with jeans or cargo pants of light material; sometimes I'll feel like wearing just a T-shirt with jeans and other times I'll wear a skirt & blouse. A few years back I was in a 'scarf with everything' mode --- I think I'm gonna be returning to that before long (I 'feel it in my bones'). ':)
Same ol' mega-burnholed sweat suit most of the year. ;-)
- thing has freedom to wiggle about
underwear... that is it.
shlware and Kamez. this is culture cloth of sindh, Pakistan.
Depends on the time of year!
anything i want, no matter how miss matched it is :P
typically just a pair of boxer briefs ... which makes for some interesting times when the JW's and LDS come a-knocking :)
If it's cold, lose pajama pants and a t-shirt, if it's hot, short shorts and a tank top
It depends on who I am at the moment. +5
A colourful and loose kaftan.
the most comfortable clothes I have. If its medium temp. I wear a cute dark pink t-shirt dress, if its way hot, I wear nothing a tol. if its cold then my terry cloth robe and sweat pants.
Real silk boxers and mesh t-shirt.
I wear sweatpants and sweatshirts when I am home. I change into regular shirts and jeans just before I leave my home.
Leggings and a t-shirt, or sometimes just a long t-shirt. I have to dress professionally for work, so it's always a relief to get out of those clothes. On the other hand, I've been teaching online over the past year and looking professional pretty much only from the waist up. From the waist down, I'm in leggings and barefoot, unless I'm standing up to use a visual aid or something.
i wear shorts if its hot weather and track pants if its cold ..
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