• it also depends on your extracurricular activities, your SAT/ACT scores, your community service work, & some colleges actually will let people on based on connections. it's not all about your high school GPA. even so, grade 12 is one of the most crucial years that colleges look at, so if you did worse than him in grade 12, a lot could be based off that.
  • A drop in performance in grade 12 can kill a chance at getting in some places. However, why waste the money going to university so soon? Go to a community college, get your basics out of the way, and transfer to a 4-year school. There's no penalty for that, the teachers are often better, and it will very likely be more flexible and will save you money! It won't make a difference to your degree and, if you prefer, no one ever has to know you went to a community college. Especially given how expensive college has gotten, it's a real shame that college advisers don't tell students that. It can save them money and anxiety.

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