• (((sigh))) What made me think I would avoid seeing THIS question? It was inevitable.
  • I really do not care if he does, that is an issue that is really his.
  • Kanye West is just getting revenge against white people for Hurricane Katrina.
  • As a people I doubt he has much reason but I would gamble he has many friends who are white.
  • I dont know if hes racist or not, but I lost all respect for the man when he stood next to Mike Myers on TV during hurricane katrina and blurted out stupidly "President Bush hates black people"; now maybe thats true, I dont know, but why would you say something like that to people that has lost everything and are on the virg of rioting, and as a result of rioting they might end up seriously hurt or dead; I think his vanity gets in the way and clouds his judgment, or you could just call him stupid.
  • Uh, Ya Think? He's a Black Supremacist!
  • I don't think so, i just think he is a Tard that is super super full of himself. oh yea and a gay fish.
  • i dont know much about him except his music is shit.and a shithouse

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