• Marie Curie Isaac Newton Watson & Crick Jane Goodall
  • Neils Bohr (structure of the ATOM *corrected) Alexander Fleming (discovered Penicillin) Galileo Galilei (made numerous break-throughs with astronomy, among other fields) Sir Isaac Newton (made numerous break-throughs with math, physics and astronomy) Charles Darwin (formed ideas on evolution) These are scientists EVERYONE should know. I did not need a list to name them.
  • Marie Curie Nikola Tesla Erwin Schrödinger Thomas Alva Edison Benjamin Franklin
  • Albert Einstein Benjamin Franklin Thomas Edison
  • Euclid, Galileo, Pythagoras, Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Richard Feynman, Gamov, Bohr,.....
  • Isaac Newton Galileo Copernicus Thomas Edison Louis Pasteur - And I swear I went straight to the bottom of the page and didn't look at anyone else's answers.
  • I have a BSc in Physics, have not looked at anyone elses answer and will try to answer with important figures who are not the big ones (ie Einstein)... 1. Herschel 2. Plank 3. Bohr 4. Currie (yes I know there were two of them) 5. Lorentz
  • Einstein, Steven Hawkins, Marie Curie, Newton, Gallileo, Nils Bohr, Edison, Tesla, Diesel, Fermat, Darvin, ... So how much did you bet ?
  • Ben Franklin Thomas Edison Nicoli Tesla Madame Curie James Chadwick Neener, neener, neener! :):):)
  • Newton, Einstein, Darwin, Faraday, Lavoisier, Galileo, Aristotle, Priestly, Kelvin, Heisenberg, Mendelleev, Copernicus, Kepler, Hooke, Boyle, Cuvier, Buffon, Lyle, Volta, Galvani, Leibnitz, just to start.
  • Louis Pasteur Robert Oppenheimer Jonas Salk Copernicus Robert Goddard
  • Nikola Tesla Michael Faraday Max Plank Richard Feynman Marie Curie Yep, took a little thinking.
  • Darwin, Curie, Schrodinger, Newton, Einstein.
  • Trivial. In no special order, here are five sets of five scientists. Galileo, Newton, Curie, Pasteur, Einstein. Darwin, Archimedes, Lagrange, Turing, Kepler. Mendel, Edison, Tesla, Watt, Priestly. Descartes, Huygens, da Vinci, Wallace, Lavoisier. Kelvin, Joule, Dalton, von Braun, Audobon. Ok, how about making it slightly more difficult? Name 5 historically important female scientists. The study of science has traditionally been a male dominated profession, so this will take some more thought. And since Madame Curie is already on one of those lists, I'll skip her. Germaine, Lovelace, Potter, Goodall, Meitner. Ok, I'll admit that I chose to include Beatrix Potter in that list for her studies of fungi. If you prefer to use Sofia Kovalevskaya, the mathematician, this is acceptable.
  • Baring in mind I have scrolled to the bottom and not read anyone's so if there's have come up its because they are possibly the obvious ones. Do inventors count? Da Vinci, Eddison, Dawson, Galleleo, Nostradamus, Crapper, Flemming, Franklin. If they don't count tell me so I can think some more
  • Albert Einstein Thomas Edison Nikola Tesla Stephen Hawking Richard Simmons.
  • You are right, I cannot name only 5 historically importantly scientists, but I can name more than 5. Anyway, I'll just go ahead and name 5 without looking: 1. Einstein, of course! 2. Pythagoras, an important Greek 3. Curie--there were actually two of them. 4. Newton--the apple falling from the tree guy. 5. Planck--he has an interesting physics theory I love.
  • I bet you can't name my garbage man who by the way is just a pretty nice guy.
  • I bet I could.
  • albert einstein archimedes isaac newton louis pastuer charles darwin
  • Salk Tesla Galileo Nobel Einstein
  • Copernicus Galileo Benjamin Franklin Edison? That's it. +5

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