I would need to give it back oh curse my honesty!
Give it back because it would be stealing if I dont.
Give it back, durrr
*sigh* and give it back...I could really use the extra money but I know that if I lost that much I'd be screwed and I wouldn't want to knowingly do that to someone else.
i would give it back
let him know he dropped it. When I've dropped money or things before, I've had people let me know which I really appreciated.
I'd pick it up and give it back to him. He almost certainly needs it more than I do.
I tap him on the shoulder and say "you dropped something" and point to the bill.
If you're asking what I'd do, the answer is simple, and the same thing I'd do if I found a wallet with $100 in it: I'd get it back to the owner. If I were somewhere and found the $100 bill laying around with no obvious way of figuring out who it belongs to, that would be another story. I once found a $50 bill in the stack of twenties I got from an ATM at a bank. I turned that in to the bank. Why? Because banks keep track of every single penny. SOMEBODY would be held responsible for that discrepancy. The results might mean it comes out of their pocket. I'm not in such financial trouble that I would want to cost somebody else that money. Nor am I of such a character to do it anyway if I WERE in such financial needs. Even if the person isn't held financially responsible due to some kind of insurance or what not, it's STILL a black mark on their reputation.
Pick it up and give it back to the man. I would not think of doing anything else.
I would give it back to him. He might need it to pay his rent or to buy food. The Bible says, "Truly I say to you, Inasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these my brothers, you have done it to me (Matthew 25:40)."
I say excuse me, I believe you just dropped something. If he looks, stoops, picks it up then it's his. If he gives me a look like 'what are you talking to me for' and heads for the door I pick it up and it's mine.
I'd say "excuse me sir you dropped your money" as I picked it up for him.
I'd give it to him. But if you made the scenario that there was a $100 on the sidewalk without a man, guess what? +4
I was in a room with a bunch of people in a discussion and this low life was bragging about how he was in a bar and some guy dropped a check for six hundred dollars and the jerk was so proud that he put his foot over it, stole and and paid his rent with it. I never want to be that jerk.
I have had this happen and I picked it up and handed it to them.
I would pick it up and give it to him.
i agree with robinhug
"Excuse me, did you drop this?"
If the individual looked like a prosperous businessperson, I'd say "Finder's keepers." But he/she was a feeble elderly person, I'd probably pick it up and give it back to them.
I would give it back to them, it's there money not mine
Return it, end of story...
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