Buy a new car and I'm sure I could spend the rest on home improvement costs.
A new car and buy in to poker tournaments.
Purchase more land, then dedicate it to wildlife preservation ...
I'd Travel overseas.
oh, there's a diamond ring I've been eyeing..can I spend it all in ONE day?
Purchasing land, not a house, just pure land, in a nice area. While the prices are not great at the moment for houses, land will always be in need. It would be nice to own a little piece of the earth for myself and my family.
On debts that I owe.
If I had to spend it I'd buy a house outright, season tickets to Syracuse basketball, and maybe a trip or two.
Buy a house or travel to France or go to Las Vegas and gamble there.
On debts first. Then after paying those I'd buy my husband a car and driving lessons because I know he would like to have them. I'd pay our healthinsurance for the rest of this year and go to the zoo with my son. The next day I would go to Six Flags with my husband and his friends (my son unfortunately is too small to go along) because I know they would really like that. The last day I would take my sister in law for dinner at some mexican restaurant where we can drink lots of cocktails which we both love most.
pay all the debt put a down on a house buy a new car then put the rest away for retirement or college for the kids.
Debt, my son, a new car, and the rest as a down payment on a nice condo.
Buy a new energy efficient car and pay insurance for a year. Buy my kids clothes and shoes for school. Pay my student loans. Use the rest to pay my rent forward. I know how boring this is, but seriously, that's what I'd do. Ok, I might get myself a Starbucks and a Chipotle gift card.
Pay off our car, our credit card, and my wife's student loan, order us each an Alienware desktop, and then pick up a brand new Nissan Pathfinder.
I buy HDTV, Blu-ray Disc Player, New PC, Playstation 3 and Portable, and Satellite TV.
I'd pay off all my debt, bills etc. Save the rest for a nicer place to live.
buy a Dodge Viper with mods
Well, I'd save it till I was 22 and then have LOTS of fun. In a new car.
simple-a house.
buy some stocks :D
a modest sailboat.
If you're the late Micheal Jackson, you just pay your month's rent, or buy some flowers.
I could do it with just a car or plane - I'd have to decide.
Ring the bank tell them to pay off my mortgage. Total time: 5 minutes.
By being a politician... oh, you said three DAYS, I thought you said three seconds! Could you have meant $3,000,000 in 1 day?
Buy a house Buy more guns Buy bullets, lots of bullets
Why so long? $100,000 doesn't go that far anymore.
Hookers, Lots of them!
I'd buy a new stove, and the rest set aside for DD's college. LOL
I'd get a newer car and put the rest on a small house.
I could spend that in 3 minutes, I'd buy a house or apartment.
could do it in one Dodge Viper Insurance for said Viper
I'll spend it within a day, pay what ever bills i got, help my family, and treat myself. +5
Give me it and Ill show you
Make a down payment on a house.
invest in gold +5
get me in vegas .... gambling, women, alcohol .... yea i dont think id make it 3 days.
Pay off most of my debts and take a kick a@@ vacation.
I would make a big payment on my mortgage.
I'd buy a new car, pay off my student loans, hire a moving company to get me moved outta here, and get a new place to live. Then if there was anything left, I'd pay off my medical bills.
I'd divide it between my children. Give it to three of them and for the 4th set up a place for her to go to chill and get well.
Spending 3 days is a smashing idea
Pay off all my bills the rest to the morgage
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