• lets go back on the phrase "Hell hath no fury like a womans scorn" its in their wiring, they are yourself, theyll getcha!
  • Ha depends on what you did to her to make her that way.... ex-husbands i hear aren't any better
  • my husbands ex wife is so childish and is not happy he has remarried. I'm a widow so I have never experienced this.
  • Because they have ex husbands?
  • not all of them are. but for the ones who are, it may be because their ex husbands are also spiteful and vile and they are reacting in turn. in general, people act vindictively when they are suffering greatly. when the ones you love the most also hurt you the most, people feel betrayed. oftentimes disappointment turns into scorn ~ the greater the disappointment, the greater the hate. sometimes there is reasonable cause for anger ~ their partners could have been very malicious, but there are healthier ways to deal with the problem. some people do not know how to forgive and let go.
  • I am an ex-wife and I certainly am not spiteful nor am I vile. I wish my ex husband every success for the future. This doesn't
  • I am certainly not spiteful nor am I vile. I wish my ex-husband every success for the future. This does not mean I've forgotten the painful memories but I do acknowledge we shared good times and that everyone deserves happiness.
  • In this particular case, this woman initiated the divorce, was involved in another relationship while married but now that she got what she wanted is very bitter. Her ex husband has remarried, but pays her alimony on time every month she tries to cause such trouble every opportunity she can. I just don't understand the logic here!! Was she just bluffing? Not really wanting the divorce? Seems so insane to me.
  • Pay enough support, participate in children life, if any, and your ex might look much better.
  • Women can be horrendously spiteful. However, there is nothing like a furious man. They can be spiteful too you know.
  • Memories play a big role, even if they r good ,they leave much pain & pain of good or bad memories is a BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG reason of bitterness.
  • What a gross generalisation.
  • Oh, it could be that they are feeling a bit empty not getting banged on by their husband. It could be that their husband is not around for them to beat-up on. It could be that the kids are drving her crazy. It could be that the father is not paying child support. It could be that she did not get the Hummer in the divorce, like she was hoping. It could be that she notices women at church pointing at her. It could be that the man she left you for left her. Or it could be that she is tired of having to do all the things you used to do, around the house, and she never noticed it, until you were gone!
  • I was going to say it's a matter of her hurting, and wanting the one who hurt her to feel as bad, if not more, than she does (this could go for either side)... and hasn't gotten over it yet. Since she was the one who initiated the divorce, perhaps she didn't really want the divorce, but in her misguided and/or misconstrued sense of logic, used the divorce to hurt her husband... ultimately realizing that's not what she wanted, or that it wasn't enough. Then there's some people that just enjoy making others suffer, most times due to some self loathing issue they take out on other people... However, your phrasing is very generalized. It's understandable to a point, as the legal system, MOST times (not all times) favors the female, especially if kids are involved, but I have known many divorced women who did not act that way at all, and guys who have, even though they're normally hindered by the "unbalanced" legal decision making (although, in those cases, I think such a hinderance is good).
  • I've met very few divorced people who didn't consider their ex (male or female) to be that way. I don't think it's a woman thing, I think it's an ex thing.
  • Since I'm an ex-wife I feel qualified to refute your assertion. It's not wise to generalize because there will always be those instances which make you look foolish. I have never acted out of spite against my former husband, even when tempted. Why? Because my kids would be the innocent victims of those actions AND I wouldn't like myself. On those occasions when an ex-wife acts out of spite and behaves in a vile manner, it's usually out of frustration. She dislikes having to deal with you at all, or deal with your circumstances (such as a new wife or s/o) and probably feels cheated out of her best years. And there's nit a darn thing she can do about it.
  • kind of a broad question but as an ex wife myself. its my first husbands current wife who is so spiteful towards me. he hasnt even seen his own son because she flys off the damn wall at the flip of a switch over me. and im the ex? why is she mad? lol. i find it humourous somewhat. but not very humourous when my son is involved and no longer has a father. on the other hand ive heard of many women being that way. they were probably the ones being left and not the leavers and have a low self esteem due to being left. tell her to go get a makeover and get better!
  • For EITHER to be like that. . . .ex-wife or ex-husband. . . .means they've never GROWN UP! Maturing means accepting things haven't worked out. . . .make the BEST amends possible to circumvent acrimony. . . . .and MOVE ON with their lives. I have found that spiteful and vile "exs" lack a TREMENDOUS sense of self-worth. Loathing and hating is as good as saying, "I don't know how to MOVE ON without you!" ! Otherwise. . . . .they WOULD. . . . .amicably!
  • Ex psouses are spiteful and vile because they are unhappy self loathing people. My ex-wife stalks me has her family stalk me and then her lawyers say in court that I'm upset with her for divorcing me, the contrary is true.
  • They are predestined that way.

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