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  • Sure! to much anything, work, going out without your partner.. etc.. can affect your relationship..
  • Yes, of course. And not only romantic relationships. Using the internet to the point where putting attention to your "real life" relationships is secondary, leads to trouble.
  • Yes, I believe it can.
  • if it's taking away from your real life, then yes. I don't like to compete with a computer for time with my partner. Everything in moderation. How much time is too much, solely depends on your arrangments
  • Yes, I believe it has ruined many relationships. We live in a real world with real people who need our attention and love. I will not compete with a computer.
  • yes...there are only so many hours in a day and if a relationship is ignored for any reason it will wither and die...doesn't matter if it's because of the internet or golf or fishing or some other time consuming hobby that isn't balanced with the need for maintaining a relationship
  • Yes, especially when a person is addicted to computer games. +4
  • Yes. We were doing fewer things together because she was spending too much time on Facebook.
  • Yes, if one is spending more time online than in the relationship.
  • yes, if they arent spending time together.
  • yes. Case in point, my husband spends so much time online that I have actually considered breaking the wireless modem so I can get some attention. [No he isn't looking at porn, he's a gearhead and is always chatting about cars.]
  • Happens everyday.
  • too much of anything can threaten anything and everything.
  • Too much time away from each other and not giving the other attention period can threaten a relationship. It doesn't matter what you're doing. Though, personally.. being online all the time instead of with me would bug me particularly much.
  • Yes it certainly can and does in many cases.
  • I personally can attest that yes it can. I had a guy who I thought liked me, and we talked for up to 3 hours per day online about all kinds of things. Weird thing was we never talked in school, even though we had classes together. Silly, young, ignorant me, I actually thought that was NORMAL. Then he got a girlfriend, leaving me crying in the cyber dust.

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