• Machismo.
  • i wishhh i knew the answer to that
  • I think most of that kind are too obstinate and/or full of themselves as to think someone might actually say no to their advances.
  • They love the challenge of what they can't have.
  • ego and machismo
  • Persistance usually pays off.
  • lack of respact....there is also this motto men go thru, and I can say this because I am a man, and my friends and I all thought this way "they wont all say no" and you know what? works.
  • I actually admire that about men... THey don't give up and if you watch one focused man on any given night in a bar, they will systematically go from one rejection to another until someone bites. It is the coolest thing to be able to shrug off rejection that fast and move on. I admire men for that.
  • I don't know. The same thing happens to me all the time. Maybe they have a good deal of confidence in themselves and are attracted to confident women. But it can be quite annoying.
  • Dumb!!! :-/ self absorbed fantasists usually, I have a few friends who are just the same, !! Lol :-)delusional. just let them keep buying your drinks, they soon get the message!! Lol.....
  • Because they're: Assholes. Disrespectful. And they're too dumb to make real conversation.
  • Well, first of all that applies also to women, second, because they are clueless :)
  • They see you as a challege' something thats not theirs but then once they have you they only use you once and then throw you away like a doll.
  • It may seem counterintuitive, but flirting with someone with whom you have NO chance is EASIER than flirting with someone with whom you have a slim chance. Once the possibility of actual attachment is removed, then flirting just becomes a game played for the fun of it. Compare professional athletes with the group of guys who play basketball at your local YMCA twice a week. Are the YMCA guys doing it to further their careers? No. But they are probably having just as much (if not more) fun than the professionals.
  • Just as some don't know how to flirt, some just don't know how not to flirt. Some people are naturally flirty without realizing that they are. Flirting isn't always about showing (sexual) interest although it can be. Plus, flirting behavior is reinforced by society. When you're flirting, what are you doing? You're trying to be out-going, friendly, funny, and polite. These are all things that are valued, are they not? So, don't think of all flirting behavior toward someone who is unavailable or not interested as being rude and inconsiderate because that's not always the case. Of course, if the person is constantly being crude and making sexual innuendos and the like (which I don't consider to be flirting), then that is rude and inconsiderate if the recipient of said innuendos has clearly stated that it's unwanted.
  • They're after your gold of course. ;) They're trying to feed their ego of course.
  • because some men don't understand the meaning of the word "No". They think their game is so tight they can steal you away from your man. My fiance is in the military and everytime I go somewhere work related with him... all of the "boys" in his unit try to get my attention. What can I say... some men are just dogs!
  • Ego !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Dumb ass Alpha males, too much testosterone and not enough brains.
  • Because you are not really discouraging them, are you? If I didn't want someone to flirt with me anyomore, they wouldn't, I promise you this.
  • Maybe they view you as a challenge. I've had guys do this with me as well. I wonder if they want what they don't have. Actually, it just makes me lose even more respect for them. I don't know what they think they are trying to achieve by doing that. I asked one of these guys why he does things like that once and he told me he does because it feels good.
  • its a natural urge you cant change nature.
  • For the same reason some guys climb Everest.
  • For the practice I suppose.
  • Just take it as a compliment and keep it moving...
  • I can't speak for all man, but when i flirt with a women, chances are it's not sexual for me. I act way more boisterous and quick witted when flirting and it's a game of sorts. When i am interested in a particular girl, i don't act, I give them 100% pure me, with no add ons. That's how I roll. I make sure not to lead people on though.
  • They feel they can wear you down.
  • Cause thier idiots.
  • Flirting with a disinterested party for whatever reason is a good way to hone social skills and they can do so without fear of actually scoring or making a commitment. Continuing to flirt with a person that has been clear about the attention as being unwanted, well, now you are being nothing but boorish and an unwanted social blight. Applies to male and female. To answer your question, some folks lack the intelligence to know the difference.
  • Probably because they like you, and they simply don't want to give up easily. 1 time out of 5, persistence will pay off with a girl who seems as though she might be persuaded... and some girls do play hard to get. Now, if you're are very adamant that you have no interest at all, and they continue to approach you, that's creepy.
  • Flirting is something that men do to make women feel desirable and that women do to make men feel desirable. It's often not about sex at all but rather a variety of appreciation for the coolness of there being two sexes. It's a dynamic interaction that can lead anywhere or nowhere depending on the wishes of the participants. . As long as both parties are more or less on the same page it's a net positive.
  • Because you are not available and not interested in them. We always dream of what we imagine we cannot have.
  • Because every guy wants a challenge or wants what he can't have. +4
  • sounds desperate and hope to catch you in a weak moment or drunken state and may get lucky
  • Cause they were born without the part of the brain that tells them "wait a minute shes got a b/f and said no to my advances so maybe i should move on"
  • I'm a girl but I could assume that because many girls play hard to get, so they may really not know if you really mean it. I had a few friends natural flirts well...they had boyfriends but the charm was on 24/7 so the guys simply went after them and they did get them sometimes. So...don't blame them if they are doing is because it has proven to work at some point.
  • Redcatt there is nothing wrong with a little harmless flirting. Now if they are crossing the line from just harmless flirting to being obnoxious and refuseing to take no for an answer when you let them know you are not interested in a relationship then I would firmly tell them you are definitely not interested and if they continue to pursue the issue you'll take whatever action necessary to make them get the point.

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