• AA American Airlines Rockets Bullets Snake Eyes KK Cowboys King Kong QQ Ladies JJ Fishhooks or Hooks 1010 Dimes 99 Phil Hellmuth (won the 1989 Main Event with two black nines) Wayne Gretzky (the Great One's number) 88 Snowmen Piano Keys (88 keys on a piano) 77 Walking Sticks Sunset Strip (TV show title) 66 Route 66 Boots (for the slight resemblance of a 6) 55 Speed Limit Presto 44 Magnum (.44 Magnum pistol - Dirty Harry's gun) Sailboats 33 Crabs Treys 22 Ducks (the 2 is similar to a duck's shape in water) That's for the pocket pairs. AK Big Slick Walking Back to Houston (the old-time poker players would play this hand so well that they'd leave their opponents walking back to Houston) AQ Doyle Brunson (the poker legend hates to play AQ) AJ Ajax A10 Johnny Moss A8 Dead Man's Hand (Wild Bill Hickok was holding Aces and Eights when he was shot and killed) A3 Baskin-Robbins (an Ace is also a 1, making 31 for 31 flavors) KQ Marriage KJ Kojak Harry Potter (J.K. Rowling) K9 Canine Fido K3 King Crab or Commander Crab (a 3 is often called a "crab") QJ Maverick (Jacks and Queens from the "Maverick" theme song) Q7 Computer Hand (statistically, this is the average winning hand in hold'em) J6 Railroad Hand (supposedly, repeating "Jacks and sixes" sounds like a train on its tracks) J5 Jackson Five Motown J4 Flat Tire (what's a jack for?) 10-5 Woolworth (discount store chain) 10-4 Broderick Crawford (his catchphrase in "Highway Patrol") 10-2 Doyle Brunson or Texas Dolly (he won both his WSOP Championships with this modest holding) 98 Oldsmobile (the classiest model was the 98) 93 Jack Benny (always claimed to be 39 years old) 76 Union Oil (owns Union 76 gas stations) 75 Heinz (for Heinz' 57 flavor varieties) 72 The Hammer 63 Blocky (from Doyle Brunson's Super System) 54 Jesse James (he was allegedly killed with a shot from a .45 pistol) Hands made on the river AKQJT Broadway A2345 Wheel KKK Three Wise Men TTT Thirty Miles of Bad Road (Gilroy to San Jose) QQKK Mommas and Poppas AK47 Assault Rifle (named after the Russian machine gun) 222 Huey, Dewey, and Louie (three famous "ducks") Unbeatable Hand Nuts Four of a Kind Quads Club Flush Golf Bag 3 of a Kind Set (using a pocket pair) Trips (using a pair on the board) Paint Any face card
  • I call a Full House a Full Boat. +5

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