Our water Purifier
My Plant
A papyrus plant I got from the greenhouse a month or so ago. It is a water sucker.... but pretty.
My bamboo plant.
The fountain on the patio. I cant keep the dogs from drinking out if it. Its always empty.
Our Frog tank.
My kettle.
the bathtub!
Ice tray :o) +5
a bathroom toliet
i have 2 vases with fresh cut flowers in them, numerous plants, tea kettle, pitchers, glasses, cups, cats' water glass, tub, shower, toilet (does that count?), water bottle, me and the cats....(edit) spray bottles, bucket, hose, washing machine, sinks...
I pour water regularly into me. Can't seem to do without it.Tried Beer but it's not the same.
carpet shampooer.
My watering can.
The lake in front and the run-off down the side and around the back.
We fill the coffeepot with water daily for our delicious morning cups of coffee! :)
The dogs water bowls and the garden.
Humidifier Bird's water dish Cat's water dish Teapot
The wife.
Well, it's not unlike me to fill a cup with water if I'm thirsty enough to drink it.
the taps
My potted plants.
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