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  • use a lubricant. that should work
  • Lubrication does work wonders. You might try an assortment of butt plugs as well, start with small and work your way up till you're comfortable, in an effort to stretch things out.
  • You might never be able to avoid the pain, but you can minimize it. Lots, and lots, of lube. Then add more lube. Foreplay may help. Ask your lover to finger you, with lots of lube, and an increasing number of fingers. Go slow, get there, have a good time.
  • The key is to be able to relax, if you dont, then no amount of lube will make it painless...go slow, take your time, relax and forget the clock.;-)
  • Weed....and you'll laugh a lot too.
  • Who ever is receiving the cock in the back door... RELAX... lube... have the person giving the back door sex start really slow... Start with one finger, then two... it is the first sphincter muscle that can be tricky... if the insertion is done with slow tender care it is much nicer... also the person receiving must not tighten up... just take deep breaths, relax and enjoy...
  • Try a small anal vibrator, beads, a butt plug first. Don't go straight for the cock. And use lube, and go slow
  • Clench before things go in, relax insert, then clench and relax.
  • Sex toys are by far the most easy way of acheiving an anal orgasm and that way the added bonus is you are in control of it. Its great to do with your partner or on your own. Both men and women can achieve an anal orgasm. It is not to be confused with a prostrate orgasm which occurs when the prostrate gland area of a mans anus is stimulated around the time of ejaculation. You can have an anal orgasm without having a penile or viginal orgasm.
  • personally I couldn't have it without the pain, but I suggest alchahol, a good lube, and maybe take baby steps with corks until your open enough to take it the way you want it.

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