• Well unless his friend is borrowing his car for some lady friend time, your man is cheating.
  • Hiiiiiighly unlikely.
  • Happens all the time. Don't worry about it. . What brand was it? Is it the same band he uses with you?
  • He could be honest , or maybe not. Because if he's really cheating he could be very careful with such thing. However if he's been cheating for a while and become not that careful he might forget to hide the evidence once in a while. You decide.
  • And then. . .
  • LOL, and here I am pissed off at my wife for having an emotional affair. I am incapable of comprehending why people stay in the trustless relationships they do.
  • I think you have very good reason to be suspicious. From the way this is worded I am assuming the condom wrapper was in the car, right? Why would his friend be having sex in your car? That doesn't make sense. I wouldn't let this issue drop. Something's fishy.
  • On the bright side. Someone IS using a condom.
  • It can happen that way - I've carried things into my car stuck on the bottom of my foot many times for example.
  • Trust your intuition. It's always right!
  • The same thing happened to my younger son. Then he was in 5th grade, He went to one of his friends house to sleep over, next day, he came back from and I found a condom packet in his backpack, when I asked him, he told me that he didn't know who put and he told me his friend's sister boyfriend borrowed a backpack and he forget to take that out? I didn't understand that, he still 9 years old. I don't know whom I have to believe not to believe?
  • Where did you find the wrapper? Where did he say the wrapper was? Has he ever cheated before? Does he let his friends use his car? How did he know about the wrapper? Was it because you told him? Or did he know about it before? How did he act when you told him? What does he mean by 'picked it up?' So many more details need to be filled in before you make a decision.
  • Don't be that stupid. At least he used a condom though. Time to take the trash out.
  • bull it is his; his friend does not borrow his car to screw girls. He is lying to you.
  • Questions like this make me want to find empty condom wrappers and put them in my backpack just to see if my boyfriend trusts me. I doubt I'd ever do it, though. I know that he does trust me and I'd like to keep it that way. I think the question you should really be asking is: Do you trust him?
  • Probably he's making a story on that,or cheating on you. I think, he doesn't like to lose you, that's why he's lying. My boyfriend and husband also making a lots of stories to keep relationships strong. Once you lose the trust on them, it never works in a good way anymore. Take care and careful.
  • Maybe he used it to protect his computer from a virus . . . .
  • If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.
  • it was probably left there by his friend as he said if it was the friend's car. if it was his car and left by a friend, then he is probably hiding the truth. but in either case, at least you know he, or his friend, practice safe sex.
  • It could be true since some people lend their cars out to their friends so they can have a lil fun without getting caught, in other words they help their friend in covering up the tracks. I highly doubt it that you have this case in hand since the wrapper is too much evidence against him and think about this... What other excuse could he have given you? I certainly don't buy it. GL
  • you don't say where you found the wrapper...but, who goes around picking up condom wrappers? who goes around picking up things without looking at them?

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