• 1. Log in to your account 2. Click Control Panel at the top right 3. Click on "view" next to the FAQ you want to edit 4. You should now be able to see the editing tools on your FAQ. Questions: To the left of each question, you should see the editing tools. - edit: allows you to edit the question text - arrows: allow you to move the question up or down in the question order - move: allows you to move the question to a different category within your sponsored FAQ - hide/show: hides or shows the question - x: deletes the question. This CAN NOT be undone, so please just "hide" the question if you think you may want to display it again later Answers At the bottom of each question, you will find the answer editing tools: - edit: allows you to edit the question text - hide/show: hides or shows the answer - x: deletes the answer. This CAN NOT be undone, so please just "hide" the answer if you think you may want to display it again later

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