• There are 3 people I despise, I don't waste my time hating, it only hurts me.
  • There are only three people I CAN hate. They are the three people who abused me.
  • I would doubt if I would be able to feel such a thing as hatred like you describe...
  • I have sworn an oath before God that I will dance on Mike Harris' grave. Mike Harris was the neo-conservative premier of Ontario for most of the 90s whose deliberately sadistic and oppressive policies caused untold misery and suffering by the weakest and most vulnerable people in our society. He cut welfare rates by 22% the day he took office and, when informed by the media that doctors were reporting it was physically impossible to eat a healthy diet even if a person spent every penny on food, he just smirked and said they should eat baloney sandwiches. The minister he put in charge of social services -- a chauffeured socialite -- said people on welfare should "eat more tuna, tuna is cheap," and that they should "haggle with supermarkets for better prices." He eliminated rent control, threw 300,000 people off welfare (100,000 of whom simply disappeared off the records -- while, by total coincidence, levels of homelessness skyrocketed to record levels at the same time vacancy rates hit a level not seen since the Great Depression), and eliminated government inspection of elevators. He opened provincial parks to "development" and told offered to re-protect them a hectare at a time if environmentalists paid for it; this is generally referred to as "extortion" when done by private enterprise. In short, Mike Harris is the most evil man I have ever been forced to personally endure. I'm sure Idi Amin or Pol Pot could give him a run for his money in terms of sheer unpleasantness, but I wasn't forced to live under their rule for a decade. If I met Mike Harris walking down the street, I have serious doubts whether I'd have the self-control to keep from punching the man in the face. I hate him with such passion that I can taste it like a bitter gall in the back of my throat.
  • My former boss, Ken, and his two favorite employees, Jim and Jeremy. Three ethically devoid birds of a feather.

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