• in any relationship, especially in marriage, you should have trust. if you trust your spouse and you know in your deepest of hearts that they would never cheat on you (i mean hello, in a good marriage people dont cheat on their spouses because they love each other and would never dream of harming the other) then i think its perfectly acceptable. if you are having issues with this then you need to reavaluate your trust with your partner. hope this helped.
  • Well, of course! If he/she doesn't, they'll get fired for not completing the project! Plus a little nookie never hurt anyone.... +3
  • I would if he was completely honest and up front about the situation BEFORE it happened, not just mentions it later. It would make me feel better if I knew this co-worker as well (though not neccesary).
  • I would say it is completely unacceptable to expect it to be "okay" for a co-worker to have my spouse in their hotel room to work on a project unless they are of the same sex. If they are of the opposite sex, it would be completely okay for the co-worker to come to my home and my spouse and she could work on their project in the dining room where they could have enough privacy to get work done and enough lack of privacy that it wouldn't have to cross my mind if I can trust them alone together outside of work. I think any spouse who would suggest they meet with a co-worker at a hotel room for work is a noodle head. Even if you don't watch "much" television, I'm sure everyone has seen "enough" to know what happens in hotels with "co-workers". Its not an issue about trust, its an issue about respect.
  • Yes. I trust him.

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