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  • Not all women. But quite a few are argumentative and yappity yap-yap. That is very annoying.
  • I'm not falling for that one. She's right behind me. Isn't she?
  • Nagging about the small things(i.e things you could let slide) , and talk way to much
  • I was a little nervous about these answers, but bring em on!! lol
  • After hours of deliberation, I am unable to resolve a granularity which would differentiate one item as the most annoying.
  • Not coming out straight with the truth in fear of hurting the mans feelings. I know its not very nice rejecting someones love, but I'd respect them more if they told the truth because leading someone on isn't nice. You have to be cruel to be kind sometimes. We all have to go through heartbreak to find love. Someone pretending to accept your feelings and letting you tag along because they feel sorry for you is worse!
  • The constand word barrage. it never stops. Like right after sex she starts telling you about the people she had met in the mall today. Of if you're watching the game she absolutly needs to know your plans for tomorrow.
  • Girls that turn an ant hill until a moutain.. I obviously don't mean that litterally, but girls who make a small situation into a big one annoy me.
  • 1. Do I look fat in these jeans? Yes, you do, you should have a sign on your ass that says "caution, makes wide turns" 2. I don't have a thing to wear! Yes, Imelda Marcos, I know! 3. Honey, you don't love me anymore? And why do you think I married you? Your money or your face? 4. Oh, dear, I broke a nail! If you come over here, I'll take of them with these players and you won't have to worry about that anymore 5. You never take me anywhere! Oh, really, what do you call all the trips you make to the liquor store?
  • About the same that annoys me most about men. Either way, I don't let behaviorial traits annoy me for long. I just stay away from anyone who has them. Problem solved!
  • Too much Complaining. Crossing. Being very emotional and unmature. Choosing the wrong time for talking or complaining.
  • Let me begin by saying I have the upmost respect for women. However, the one thing that annoys me the most is women who are drama queens.
  • Claiming they're "one of the guys" you're not unless "the guys" say so no matter how cool you are, how much you drink or like sports. You saying it doesn't make it true. Talking about other "guy friends" constantly. Overeactions, periods, flying off the handle when unnessecary, being irrational, taking an hour and 4 minutes to get ready when people are waiting for you after you told them "I'll be 15 minutes I swear" Bitching you can't find a good guy and when one comes along you get rid of him and go after some asshole once again. Talking on the phone to a girl, when her friends are in the background is like trying to jackhammer through a 350 thick diamond plated football field. Impossible to do without long hours, immense pain, and eye shattering frustration. K now reach out your it....lean forward just a smidge and just flip it down thats it. Doesn't that make much more sense than me having to stoop lower and flip it up?! Or yet again, does it really matter one way or the other at all? Also, don't flirt with other guys at bars when I'm around, don't cheat on me, and don't nag me. Those are the three main stays. All that being said, and most likely pissing off a lot of women, despite my writing I love women. I was never scared of cooties, and I hate being single. When I have a girlfriend, I do make and effort to put the seat down, open doors, see their ways, comfort them, and be happy and understanding, because I'm...yep one of those....a "nice guy" apparently it doesn't work too often, so a good rant leaves me feeling much better. Happy Day.
  • When they act prissy!!!
  • RIGHT THEN I work with 4 women at work.. every time 1 of them leaves the room, the other 3 immediately start talking crap about her, it makes no difference which one leaves either! they all secretly hate eachother! And they probably do it when i leave the room tooo but i actually dont care... it gets right on my tits
  • How she always want,s me to spend my money,usually on her! That annoys me,lol
  • *Not a guy but... Im going to go with the fact that us women always call you on your bullsh*i and you can't get away with anything.
  • their favourite expression: "men don't get it"...that irritates the hell out of me...
  • Julie I hope you don't mind me posting on here. I just wanted to say that as a woman there are two bible verses I keep in my head to remind me how to not drive a man away: Proverbs 27:15 ESV A continual dripping on a rainy day and a quarrelsome wife are alike; Proverbs 21:19 ESV It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and fretful woman.
  • Some are very good at complaining. (See I said "some".)Sometimes the complaints contradict each other. For example: "I had a bad day, I just want some peace and quiet" next "Why are you ignoring me." Err...
  • That they are all BETTER LOOKING than me.
  • Freakin MIND GAMES it annoys me the most ,some ladies are so just awesome player when it comes to mind games .
  • men don't get period.
  • Their inability to accept the fact that they need 'it' just as much as we do!!!
  • What annoys me most is that women do not just say staight up what they want, or how they feel. They always dropp subtile hints, and expect for men to figure out what the hell they want.
  • (*oops!* Meant to leave a comment... So how annoying is this?)
  • when they talk about guys they like who i could never live up to

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