• It's like people are their myspace pictures. They can use programs to tweak it so it looks, or in a band's case, sounds, better.It's a different environment, so it's like a different feel when you play. That and you can't restart when you've made a mistake.
  • Recording studios often use special effects that are impossible or difficult in live performance. The acoustics in the performance area is a big factor. This is more true after the 1960's when multi-tracking became common. Before the 1950's, direct-to-mono was the only technique available.
  • I have to say every band I have ever liked and got to see in concert sounded like they do on the albums (Megadeth, Anthrax, Pantera, NIN, God Lives Underwater, Judas Priest, Ministry, Stone Temple Pilots, Alice In Chains, Faith No More, Mike Patton and the list goes on) The only band I ever saw that sounded like crap was Testament, for some reason their people running the mixing boards were doing a horrible job and everything was sounding pretty gross and inaudible. These band I think sounded good because they don't use 30000 overdubs on their voice, they are talented songwriters and musicians, they don't need a studio engineer to do pitch correction and overdubs and such. But lets face it a majority of musical performers out there are not paid for their song writing or musical abilities, they are a packaged image, one that is created in a studio to be plastered on tv and posters and t-shirts.
  • because they ADD synth and MANIPULATE the sound to make it sound better on disc while i can understand that it is necessary for some bands like ministry and fear factory to do it in order to make good unique music, some bands do it to just cover up, especially modern bands who have tons of audio editing software available to them at a low price plus its practically impossible to play a song EXACTLy the same every time, people arent machines

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