• In my religion two people should be married before they live together or have sex. Furthermore I think for thousands of years marriage was the rock on which our families where founded. Now this hasn't always been done perfectly but its been useful overall.
  • No. Marriage is not necessary but companionship is, unless you are a pathological loner.
  • no i dont think marriage is necessary. if two people live together and are happy marriage isnt going to change anything. in my opinion marriage is just a piece of paper and an excuse for a big party.
  • Marriage is necessary even if it is only for the security aspect of that binding agreement recognized by the state. That binding agreement requires that you actually go through hoops to terminate the relationship thus giving one more level of security or commitment. Without marriage, where is the commitment? What keeps him or her from walking out that door tomorrow leaving you high and dry? That won't happen to me, we've been together 5 years... well it's happened. And what legal reprocussions do they have? None other then maybe child support if you can prove he's the dad. If it is just a piece of paper... why avoid it? Why are people so afraid of it? Isn't it exactly for the same reasons that I say it's beneficial? It's too binding, it affects a person's social security check, etc. If you have the desire to remain with this person for the rest of your life... what's stopping you from making the commitment? If you won't commit to the marriage... what else won't you commit to?
  • Absolutely, marriage is necessary from a financial point of view. It's much easier to walk out the door when your not bound by a legal document, with which, more often then not, couples would be more apt to "work things out" before separating. From a cultural point of view, marrying someone is the deepest, sincerest outward show of love and dedication to your friends, family, and the community. It is a token, I hope, of your deepest affections.
  • Not for all people, no. You do not have to have someone to "complete you". In First Corithians chapter 10, the Apostle Paul is inspired to write of "singleness being a gift". Those are God's thoughts then. It is the man made culture of the societies that we live in that try to force us all into the mold of marriage.
  • It is not necessary to be married as long as you are happy with your situation. If you have a companion and are happy and settled then that is the important thing.
  • I do not think that marriage is necessary, and it certainly should not be entered into lightly or simply for sexual companionship. I prefer the institution of marriage on equal grounds as a mutual commitment to sustain and grow the relationship through good times and bad. It is a level of commitment that comes with a higher level of responsibility, but also a higher level of security - when it is done right.
  • For some people, people who need to publicly swear an oath to be able to keep a committment, it is very necessary. I am divorced now and in a committed relationship. I have deliberated inwardly about whether I would want to get married again or not. In the end I decided that I would not need the public oath swearing to keep my end of the bargain. I feel so happy and committed in this relationship that I know it will go on till we ar both dead. I don't need the world to know that because I know that and he knows that. It's enough for us. Also, we are both atheists and it seems counter-intuitive to use a religious institution like marriage to define our relationship. With nothing holding us in but our own resolve it feels more genuine to us. But that's just us. For others marriage might be just the thing they need to keep them in the relationship when they feel like leaving it.
  • i dont think marriage is necessary. it only depends on whether the person wants a companion or not?
  • the same people that say marriage is not necessary are the same ones that believe in god.why? name the religion that condone children born out of wedlock.
  • Not necessary like air, water, food, and love are necessary.
  • i think that marriage is a sign of commitment and without it, one could easily cheat on the other and say,"what? it's not like we're married!"
  • no i don't. i think it ruins a lot of relasionships. it puts unecessary stress on a reltionship. and now a days people jump into it so quickly without thinking that it's bound not to last. divorce is too easliy accepted by society today as well.
  • I dont think its necessary unless you have kids because i belive it give the children a feel of security with both parents.
  • No I don't
  • No. Do you?
  • No, I don't think it is necessary. My parents have been together for 40 years, quite happy, and are not married. People say you should get married to provide security for children and show a commitment to your relationship. However, in this day and age, divorces are very common and seem (to me, at least) to be taken quite lightly. Obviously, many religions require marriages and in this case it is part of following a certain faith. Personally, if you are not religious (as I am not) I don't really see the point. If you truly are in love with somone, why should a signiture on a peice of paper matter? With marriages these days costing in excess of £20,000, I have better things to spend my money on.
  • I do think marriage is necessary, but I do not think it should be considered a civil ceremony. In the history of man, the civil ceremony is a recent occurance (mid-1800's). Before then, it was a solely religious ceremony. The civil part of it has only made it more complicated.
  • yes. marriage is a contract of commitment. it is saying that you are valued above all others. it is important from both a societal view and a spiritual view.
  • No, its not. It usually ends up falling apart, and no one really is happy!
  • Yes, why not get married if you feel he/she is the one and if you are sure that you have to spend the rest of your life with them? It is a celebration of love.
  • No. A legal contract is not needed to prove two people are in love and want to be only with them. Besides, if it breaks apart one of them is going to be paying alimony to the other. Usually the man unless a prenup is signed by both of them. That is a risk I will not take with any woman.
  • No, if your happy with your situation and don't need that piece of paper and a big cerimony to show someone you are commited to them I don't think so. It's realy nobody's business, but your's if your want to get married any ways. To me it's the love that matters. I've had it both ways. One was a disaster. The other was not. I was married and only one of us was commited to it. To him after we got married he was no longer required to do any of the work to keep our relationship going. We never had a marriage just a wedding I regret to this very day. I should have walked out when I realized he had absalutly no respect for me as a wife and that was on our wedding day. The only reason we even got married was I needed proof that he loved me as much as he said he did. Now with my second relationship with my companion who did later become my fiance we never really needed the paper or the cerimony to prove we were commited to each other. It was the way we treated each other that mattered. Everyone saw it and we were the couple to be. To me that was my real marriage and always will be. It was the same for him. In fact I only found out about our impending engagment while planning his funeral. What realy hurts is because of the Defense of Marriage Act I can not be considered his spouse by anyone, but our families.
  • I don't.
  • For me, YES!
  • i would have to say noooooo marrige in my family never works so im not going there.
  • It's necessary in society today. It gives two people legal rights to their children, houses, taxes all that governemental stuff.
  • No, not necessary.. in my case im happily married, but in my personal opinion it is only a piece of paper and if you love someone, then no its not necessary.
  • ya i think marriage is necessary to all the people who believes in indian culture. Because in the modern age all the people are busy with the studies , business, jobs etc but it is not a meaningful or complete life for a human beings so to know about the complete, and the beautiful life that is a marrige is necessary for all people living in the world.
  • Yes it keeps paper work sorted out when kids come along
  • Yes I do but it is not for everyone. If you love someone that much not only will you love them but marry them.

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