• Very likely the towels re being folded and put in the cupboard when they're not completely dry. Could this be it? Ps Regular cakes of soap (don't need to be exotically perfumed and expensive) slipped in between your folded towels gives them a nice, clean smell!
  • It could be a towel that is damp or has been stored too long
  • Rewash and Redry ALL your towels and see if the problem goes away.
  • its probably because its damp
  • if the towels smell nice and fresh before the shower, it must have something to do with your body. Are you using plenty of soap on your body? if you dont, and are just relying on a bit of water to get you clean, the body oils that come off, will stay on the surface of your skin, then when you rub the towel over your skin, the towel will smell............ try using as much soap as possible ! :) see if that changes, if it doesnt, maybe the towels are a bit old and retaining a mould or something that only comes out when its wet ! :)

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